• Country: Russia
  • State: Penza Region
  • County: Issinskij r-n
  • City: rp Issa
  • Street, House: ul Leninskaya, dom 21
  • Postcode: 442710
  • Site: http://issinsky.pnz.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (84144)2-16-43
  • Longitude: 44.85882
  • Latitude: 53.866715
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction of the Issinsky District Court

The territorial jurisdiction of the Issinsky District Court of the Penza Region extends within the Issinsky District. There are 6 municipalities on the territory of the Issin region:
R. Issa settlement (streets: Lebedeva, Zarechnaya, Molodezhnaya, Stroiteley, 40 years of Victory, Komsomolskaya, Ogareva, Sovetskaya, 1 avenue Ogareva, 70 years of October, Proezhaya, Mira, Oktyabrskaya, Leninskaya, Melioratorov, Krasnaya, Snezhnaya, Gornaya, M. Gorky, Central, Shkolnaya, Gavrilova, Embankment, Rodnikovaya, Solnechnaya, Cherokmanova, Kalinina, Sadovaya, Energetikov, Kuznechny pr-d, Proletarskaya, 2 pr-d Ogareva, Kommunisticheskaya, Central proezd, Kuznechnaya, Penkozavodskaya, Zarechny pr-d , Yuzhnaya, 3 pr-d Ogareva, pr-d Lebedeva);
Bulychevsky village council (the villages of Bulychevo, Dolgorukovo, Kislovka, Lyubyatino, the settlement of the Central estate of the farm. Mayak), Znamensko-Pestrovsky village council (the villages of Buturlino, Vladykino, Yelenovka , Znamenskaya Pestrovka, Nikiforovka, Nikolskaya Pestrovka, Privolye), Kamenno-Brodsky village council (the villages of Verkhnyaya Salmovka, Gubarevo, Kamenny Brod, Kilmaevka, the village of Lokhovshchino, the village of Mishino, the village of Novoarkhangelskoe, the villages of Novotrekhsvyatskoe, the settlement of Pletnevschin Vye Vyselki), the Solovtsovsky village council (the village of Aleksandrovka, the villages of Arkharovka, Griboyedovo, Dmitrievka, Marovka, Sipyagino, Solovtsovo), the Uvarovsky village council (the village of Beketovka, the village of Ivanovka, the village of Nikolaevka, the settlement of the Central estate of the farm. "Uvarovsky", the villages of Uvarovo, Shirokois).

Court working hours

Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm .45
break: from 13.00 to 13.45
day off: Saturday, Sunday

Reception of the court

Reception citizens are conducted without prior registration in the order of priority. Upon admission, a citizen presents a document proving his identity, and in cases specified by law, a power of attorney.

Claims, applications, complaints, complaints against the actions of judges and employees of the court apparatus are accepted daily (except weekends and holidays), during working hours from 9:00 to 18:00 hours. (lunch break from 13: 00-13: 45) in office No. 8.

Neither judges nor court staff have the right to give advice.

Contact information

Address: 442710, p. Issa village, st. Leninskaya, 21
Phone (fax): (841-44) 2-16-43

Information on civil, criminal, administrative cases, personnel (84144) 2-16-43
For information on filling vacant positions in the civil service in the apparatus of the court, you can get in the Office of the Judicial Department in the Penza region, tel. : 8 (8-412) 63-80-07 or on the USD website.

Organizational structure of the court

President of the court Sorokina Larisa Ivanovna
(Appointed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 7, 2017 No. 361 for a 6-year term of office)
Reception of the chairman
tel. (841-44) 2-23-51
Clerk of the court session Polyakova Elena Mikhailovna (841-44) 2 -23-51
Judge Tatiana Anatolyevna Murashova
(Appointed by Presidential Decree No. 354 of March 16, 2007)
Reception of the judge
(841-44) 2-23-51
Secretary of the court session Fando Irina Alexandrovna (841-44) 2-23-51
Reception court, fax Consultant Olga I. Toroptseva (841 -44) 2-16-43
Consultant Olga I. Toroptseva (841-44) 2-16-43
Chief Specialist Elena Nikolaevna Kirpicheva (841-44) 2-16-43
Leading specialist Kazakova Elena Viktorovna (841-44) 2-15-81
Court administrator Dyrenkov Alexander Fedorovich (841-44) 2-18-45

Court apparatus:

Consultant: Olga I. Toroptseva tel (f ax): 8 (84144) 2-16-43
Chief specialist: Kirpicheva Elena Nikolaevna tel: 8 (84144) 2-16-43
Leading specialist: Kazakova Elena Viktorovna tel: 8 (84144) 2-15 -81

Reception of citizens is conducted daily:
from 09:00 to 13:00
from 14:00 to 17:00

Administrator of the court: Dyrenkov Alexander Fedorovich tel: 8 (84144) 2-18-45

Video conference call

  • Time difference between r ... the settlement of Issoy and the city of Moscow is 00 hours 00 minutes.
  • Courtroom # 1 is equipped with a video-conferencing system.
  • The number of the departmental VKS network is 10. 58. 58. 50.
  • The period of accessibility (inaccessibility) of the courtroom No. 1 can be found out by the phone number of the person in charge.
  • Responsible for the technical support of the videoconferencing - Dyrenkov Alexander Fedorovich, administrator, tel. : (84144) 2-18-45.
  • Responsible for the organization of the videoconferencing - Polyakova Elena Mikhailovna, secretary of the court session, tel. : (84144) 2-23-51.


Payee's name UFK in the Penza region (MIFNS of Russia No. 3 in the Penza region
KPP 580901001
TIN of the tax authority and its name 5809011654
OKTMO code 56626151
Payee's account number 03100643000000015500
Bank name OFFICE OF PENZA RUSSIA// UFK for the Penza region of Penza
BIK 015655003
Budget classification code (KBK ) 18210803010011000110
Payment Name State Duty

Details for paying the state fee when filing appeals against decisions of the Issinskiy District Court

KBK 18210803010011050110
Account 40102810045370000047
Branch Penza Bank of Russia/UFC for the Penza region of Penza
BIK 015655003
KPP 583601001
Treasury account number 03100643000000015500
Recipient of the UFC for the Penza region (IFTS RF for the Leninsky district of Penza)
TIN 5836010018
OKTMO 56701000


The name of the payee of the UFK in the Penza region (Administration of the Issinsky district)
Gearbox 581401001
TIN of the tax authority and its name 5814002888
OKTMO 56626151
payee's account number 40101810222020013001
Name of the bank GRKTs GU Bank of Russia for the Penza region, Penza
Budget classification code (KBK) 90111690050050000140
Payment name Penalty

UFK in the Penza region (UMVD of Russia in the Penza region)
INN 584011778
Gearbox 583401001
BIK 045655001
KBK 18811630020016000140 (according to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation)
OKATO 56243551000
P/S 40101810222020013001
Bank GRKTs of Russia for the Penza region, Penza
Purpose of payment: traffic police fine


For information on filling vacant positions in the civil service in the apparatus of the court, you can get in the Office of the Judicial Department in the Penza region, tel. : 8 (8-412) 63-80-21 or on the website of the Office.
Information on filling the vacant position of a judge can be obtained on the website of the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Penza Region, tel. 8 (8412) 99-51-55.


Media Relations Officer:
chief specialist - Elena Nikolaevna Kirpicheva
phone: (8-841-44) 2-16-43