• Country: Russia
  • State: Orenburg Region
  • County: Yasnenskij r-n
  • City: g Yasnyj
  • Street, House: ul Severnaya, dom 8A
  • Postcode: 462781
  • Site: http://yasnensky.orb.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (35368)2-25-63, (35366)2-15-85
  • Fax: (35368)2-25-63, (35366)2-15-85
  • Longitude: 59.880897
  • Latitude: 51.035484

Territorial jurisdiction

Komarovsky settlement;
Svetlinsky district: Aktobe village council (Aktobe village - administrative center), Eastern village council (Vostochny village - administrative center), Hospitable village council (hospitable railway station, hospitable village - administrative center, Smolensky), Koskul village council (Koskul village - administrative center) village council (the villages of Kazancha, Ozerny - the administrative center), Svetlinsky council (the villages of Svetly - the administrative center, Tselinny), Sputnikovsky village council (villages Pervomaisky - administrative center, Polevoy), Stepnoy village council (villages Rudnikovy, Stepnoy - administrative center), Tobolsk village council (Tobolsk settlement is the administrative center);
Yasnensky urban district: Yasny town, Akzharskoe village, Alasai, Alimbay villages, Upper Kiembai village, Veselovsky village, Yelenovka village, Karakulsky village, Keerimbay village, Komarovo village, Kotansu village, Kumak, Novoselsky, Rassolkhovo village Sadovy, the village of Tykasha.

Contact information

Yasnensky District Court
st. Severnaya d. 8-a, Yasny, Orenburg region, 462781
Tel. : (35368) 2-25-63 (t/f)

Court mode
Monday 08-30 - 17.15
Tuesday 08-30 - 17.15
Wednesday 08-30 - 17.15
Thursday 08-30 - 17.15
Friday 08-30 - 17.15
Lunch break from 13:00 to 1345
Day off Saturday, Sunday

Reception opening hours Monday - Friday: 08.30-13.00, 14.00-16.30
Saturday, Sunday: day off

Reception of the chairman of the court
- every Tuesday of the month: 08.30 - 10. 00

Permanent judicial presence of the Yasnensky district court (in the village of Svetly Svetlinsky district of the Orenburg region), st. Sovetskaya, d. 22, p. Svetly, Orenburg region, 462740
Tel. : (35366) 2-15-85 (t/f)

Working hours
Monday: 08.30 - 17.30
Tuesday-Friday: 08.30 - 16.30
lunch break: 13:00 - 14:00
Saturday, Sunday: closed

Working hours of the reception on Monday: 09:00 - 12:30 and 14:00 - 17:00. 00
Tuesday-Friday: 09. 00 - 12.30 and 14.00 - 16. 00
Saturday, Sunday - closed


Working hours of the court reception (office No. 1, 1st floor): Monday - Friday: 8.30 to 13.00, from 14.00 to 16.30 on Saturday , Sunday: days off

Reception is conducted by:
- assistant to the chairman of the Yasnensky district court Agadzhanova Angela Samvelovna;
- assistant judge Kasaeva Valentina Sergeevna;
- assistant judge Lipatova Anastasia Sergeevna

Reception is carried out at the address: Orenburg region, Yasny, st. Severnaya, 8a, office: №1.

Phones for information 2-25-63, 2-29-64.

The leadership of the district court

The chairman of the court is Levina Tatiana Vladimirovna. Levina Tatyana Vladimirovna, 1976 year of birth, was born in the city of Yasnoye, Orenburg region. In 2000 she successfully graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy. She began her career in 1994 at the Yasnensky City Court of the Orenburg Region as a court clerk. In 2000 she was appointed to the position of court administrator. From 2003 to 2007 she worked as a federal judge of the Dombarovsky District Court of the Orenburg Region. In accordance with Federal Law No. 277-FZ of November 25, 2009 "On the Creation and Abolition of Certain District (City) Courts of the Orenburg Region" on the basis of the Yasnensky City Court, the Yasnensky District Court was established, whose jurisdiction extends to the territory of Yasnoye, Svetlinsky and Yasnensky districts. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 17.10.2016 No. 552, she was appointed to the post of chairman of the Yasnensky District Court of the Orenburg Region. Has the fifth qualification class.

Judges of the Yasnensky District Court

Zlobina Marina Viktorovna
By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2017 No. 90, appointed as a judge Yasnensky District Court, without limiting the term of office. Has the sixth qualification class
Reception office: 8 (35368) 2-26-27

Kovaleva Natalya Nikolaevna
By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.02.2017 No. 90, appointed judge of the Yasnensky district court, without limitation of the term of office. Has the sixth qualification class
Reception office: 8 (35368) 2-27-54

Malofeeva Yulia Alexandrovna court of the Orenburg region (permanent court presence in the village of Svetly)
Reception office: 8 (35366) 2-17-53

List of judges and court staff

Reception of the chairman of the court
Assistant to the chairman of the court Agadzhanova Anzhela Samvelovna 2-25-63
Secretary of the court session Savchenko Natalya Nikolaevna 2-25-63

Reception of judge N. Kovaleva N.
Assistant to the judge Lipatova Anastasia Sergeevna 2-27-54
Secretary of the court session Magiyarova Oksana Vyacheslavovna 2-27-54

Reception of the judge Zlobina M. V.
Assistant to the judge Kasaeva Valentina Sergeevna
Clerk of the court session Sharipova Aliya Khaerbekovna 2-26-27

Chief specialist Zalbasharova Venera Ayratovna 2-229-64
Administrator of the court Gorsheva Elena Alekseevna 2-223-76 Court clerk Tatyana Genrikhovna Kovalko 2-29-64

Permanent court presence in the Svetly settlement

name, patronymic Phone
Malofeeva Yulia Aleksandrovna
8 (35366)
Assistant judge
Evgeniya Sergeevna Lubenets
Chief specialist of Fomina Anna Petrovna 2-15-85
Court clerk
Bystrova Valentina Igorevna
Secretary of the court session
Bondarenko Kristina Georgievna

Video conference call

Address of the Yasnensky District Court of the Orenburg Region
g. Yasny: 462781, Orenburg region, Yasny, st. Severnaya, 8a, p. Light: 462740, Orenburg region. , p. Light, st. Sovetskaya, d. 22
Number of the courtroom equipped with a videoconferencing system
г. Clear: Hall No. 5, p. Svetly: Hall №1
Telephones, faxes of the VKS departmental network
г. Clear:
IP address of the Polycom codec 10. 56. 91. 50
IP address of the VoIP phone: 7569103 (conference room)
IP address of the VoIP phone: 7569104 (meeting room)
VoIP fax number: 7569199
p. Light:
IP-address of the Polycom codec 10. 56. 83. 50
IP-address of VoIP phone: 7568399 (conference room)
IP-address of VoIP phone: 7568302 (meeting room)
Time difference between the city of Yasny and Moscow MSK + 2 hours
Contact details of the person responsible for the organization and technical support of the videoconferencing
g. Clear: Court administrator Elena Alekseevna Gorsheva (835368) 2-23-76
p. Svetly: Chief specialist Fomina Anna Petrovna 8 (35366) 2-15-85

Details of payment of the state duty

Department of the Federal Treasury for the Orenburg region (MRI FTS of Russia No. 14 for the Orenburg region)
TIN 5614020110
KPP 561401001
OKTMO 53732000 (city)/53755000 (ZATO settlement Komarovskiy)
KBK 18210803010011050110 (payable when applying to the courts) 18210803010011060110 ( payable on the basis of judicial acts based on the results of consideration of cases on the merits)
account 40102810545370000045 to the Branch of the Orenburg Bank of Russia // UFK in the Orenburg region, Orenburg BIK 015354008
Beneficiary's account number (treasury account number): 03100643000000015300

Bank details for paying the state duty in cases considered by the Orenburg Regional Court

Current account No. 03100643000000015300
Corresponding account No. 40102810545370000045
BIK 015 354 008
Recipient Office of the Federal Treasury for the Orenburg Region (IFTS of Russia for the Central District of Orenburg)
INN 561 20113 11
Checkpoint 561 201001
OKTMO 537 010 00
KBK 182 108 030 100 110 00 110
Purpose of payment "State duty in cases considered by the Orenburg Regional Court" or "Penalty by court verdict"

Bank details in case of voluntary payment of fines in criminal cases.

  • UFK in the Orenburg region (UFSSP of Russia in the Orenburg region l/s 04531785500)
  • TIN 5611032615
  • KPP 561101001
  • OKATO 53401000000
  • KBK 32211621010016000140
  • Current account 40101810200000010010 in the GRKTS GU Bank of Russia in the Orenburg region. Orenburg BIK 045354001

Bank details in case of enforced collection of fines in criminal cases.

  • UFK in the Orenburg region (OFK 39, Yasnenskiy ROSP UFSSSP of Russia in the Orenburg region l/s 05531846730)
  • TIN 5611032615
  • KPP 561832001
  • OKATO 53432000000
  • KBK 32211621010016000140
  • Settlement account: 40302810800001000011 in the GRKTs Bank of Russia in the Orenburg region. Orenburg BIK 045354001

Account details for accounting of transactions with funds received in a temporary order

For personal (deposit) accounts for accounting transactions with monetary funds received by a temporary order are entered:
- monetary funds that are the subject of pledge,
- monetary funds instead of measures taken by the court to secure the claim (contributed by the defendants);
- monetary funds for ensuring reimbursement of legal costs associated with the consideration of a civil case or an administrative case;
- funds contributed as security for an application for participation in determining a supplier (contractor, executor);
- ensuring the execution of the contract.

Account details for recording transactions with funds received in a temporary order:

1. UFK in the Orenburg region (Office of the Judicial Department in the Orenburg region, l/c 05531067760)
2. INN 5610054888
3. CAT 561001001
4. p/s 40302810800001000011 in the Orenburg branch, Orenburg
5. BIK 045354001
6. KBK 438 1 17 05010016000 180
7. OKTMO 53701000001

Bank details for payment of the fine

Details: FSSP for the Orenburg region
Office of the Federal Bailiff Service for the Orenburg region 460023 Orenburg, st. Tkacheva, 8 tel. 8- (22) -35-56-01 UFK in the Orenburg region (Office of the Federal Bailiff Service in the Orenburg region l/s 04531785500) TIN 5611032615 KPP 561101001 p/s 40101810200000010010
BIK 045354001
V GRKTs GU Bank of Russia in the Orenburg region
OKTMO 53701000
KBK 32211621010016000140 - budget classification code for listing criminal fines
KBK 32211302030016000130 - budget classification code for listing procedural (court) costs

Notification to the court by SMS

The Regional Court, together with the Office of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in the Orenburg Region, developed a procedure for organizing notification of participants in the process of dates of the court session via SMS messages. The use of this method of notification is fully consistent with the norms of the Civil Procedure Law. A prerequisite for the application of this procedure is the voluntary consent of the participant in the process to its application. To do this, the plaintiff, when filing a statement of claim in court, and the defendant and other persons, at the first appearance in court, will be offered this method of notification.
In all courts of the region there have been appointed officers responsible for sending messages via the Internet using a special program. In this case, when sending SMS, the subscriber's number, the text of the message, information about its sending and delivery will be recorded. This information will subsequently be attached to the case file as confirmation of the delivery of the notice to the participant in the process.
Having received a subpoena by means of an SMS message, participants in court proceedings will not only get rid of the need to appear at the post office to receive a registered letter, but will also be able to find out the information they need in a shorter time.


For participation in the competition for the vacant position of a judge, vacant positions in the civil service in the apparatus of the Yasnensky District Court of the Orenburg Region, contact to the assistant to the chairman of the court Agadzhanova Anzhkla Samvelovna by phone 8 (35368) 2-25-63 or directly to the Yasnensky district court at the address Yasny, st. Severnaya, d. 8 A


Specialist in public relations and mass media
Assistant to the judge of the Yasnensky district court Kasaeva Valentina Sergeevna, office phone: 8 (35368) 2-26-27,
address: 462781, Orenburg region, Yasny, st. Severnaya, 8a, office. № 17