• Country: Russia
  • State: Orenburg Region
  • County: Tashlinskij r-n
  • City: s Tashla
  • Street, House: ul Dovzhenko, dom 31
  • Postcode: 461170
  • Site: http://tashlinsky.orb.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (35347)2-13-95
  • Longitude: 52.751283
  • Latitude: 51.766114
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction

The jurisdiction of the Tashlinsky district court of the Orenburg region extends to the entire territory of the Tashlinsky district of the Orenburg region:
rural settlement Alekseevsky village council: Alekseevka village (administrative center); rural settlement Blagodarnovsky village council: villages Blagodarnoe (administrative center), Mayskoye; rural settlement Boldyrevsky village council: the villages of Boldyrevo (administrative center), Irtek, Lugovoe; rural settlement Borodinsky village council: Borodinsk village (administrative center); rural settlement Vyazovsky village council: villages Vyazovoye (administrative center), Chernyshovka, Shumaevo; rural settlement Zarechny village council: Zarechnoye village (administrative center); rural settlement Kalininsky village council: settlement Kalinin (administrative center), villages Kandalintsevo, Kommuna, Prokuronovka; rural settlement Kindelya village council: Kindelya village (administrative center); rural settlement Novokamensk village council: the villages of Burenino, Novokamenka (administrative center), Novoselnoe, Shirokoe; rural settlement Pridolinny village council: the villages of Krinitsa, Pridolinny (administrative center); rural settlement Rannevsky village council: villages Miroshkino, Pustobaevo, Rannee (administrative center); rural settlement Stepanovsky village council: the villages of Kamennoimangulovo, Kurtashka, Stepanovka (administrative center); rural settlement Stepnoy village council: settlements Zhirnov, Zapadny, Stepnoy (administrative center); rural settlement Tashlinsky village council: settlement Plodovy, village Tashla (administrative center); rural settlement Labor village council: villages Kuzminka, Trudovoe (administrative center); rural settlement Chernoyarovo village council: the villages of Zhigalino, Chebotaryovka, Chernoyarovo (administrative center); rural settlement Shestakovsky village council: the villages of Bashirovo, Shestakovka (administrative center); rural settlement Yasnaya Polyana village council: the villages of Voskhodyashchy, Grain, Solnechny, Yasnaya Polyana (administrative center).

Working hours of the Tashlinsky District Court and Reception of Citizens

Monday 8. 30 - 17.30
Tuesday 8. 30 - 17.30
Wednesday 8. 30 - 17.30
Thursday 8. 30 - 17.30
Friday 8. 30 - 17.30
Lunch break from 13:00 to 14:00
Day off Saturday, Sunday

Single reception
Reception is carried out on weekdays on the ground floor at the address: ... Tashla, st. Dovzhenko 31, telephone for inquiries 8 (353) 47- 2-13-95
Working hours of the reception court: from 08.30 to 17.30
lunch break from 13.00 to 14.00
Reception is conducted by:
assistant to the chairman of the court Antonova Tatyana Aleksandrovna
assistant to the judge Svishcheva Svetlana Venadyevna
administrator of the court Slabodenko Aleksey Nikolaevich

In accordance with the Federal Law No. 273-FZ "On combating corruption" and " According to the plan for combating corruption of the judicial system of the Orenburg region, judges do not receive citizens.

Working hours of the archive of the court

Issuance of documents from the archive of the Tashlinsky District Court of the Orenburg Region is carried out by employees of the reception court from 09:00. 00 minutes until 17 o'clock. 00 minutes at the request of citizens in accordance with the norms of current legislation

Court leadership

Chairperson of the court Kurbatova Irina Vladimirovna, has a higher legal education. In 1990 she graduated from the Sverdlovsk State Law Institute named after V.I. Rudenko. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 20, 2017 No. 329, she was appointed Chairperson of the Tashlinsky District Court of the Orenburg Region. Prior to her appointment, she worked as a judge of the Krasnogvardeisky District Court of the Orenburg Region. Has the fifth qualification class of a judge.

Judges of the District Court

Judge Porotko Elena Gennadievna, has a higher legal education. In 2001 she graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy, the Orenburg Institute (branch) of the Moscow State Law Academy. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 28, 2011 No. 1030, she was appointed a judge of the Tashlinsky District Court of the Orenburg Region, the term of office is unlimited. Prior to her appointment from 05.03.2002 to 28.07.2011 worked as an assistant judge of the Industrial District Court of Orenburg. Has the fifth qualification class of a judge.

Court Composition

President of the Court Irina Vladimirovna Kurbatova
judges Elena Gennadievna Porotko
Vitaly Viktorovich Katerinin

List of court staff

assistant to the president of the court Antonova Tatyana Aleksandrovna 2-13-01
assistant judge Svishcheva Svetlana Venadyevna
(assistant judge E. G. Porotko)
secretary of the court session Dobroskokina Olga Petrovna
(secretary of judge I. V. Kurbatova)
secretary of the court session Burak Nadezhda Nikolaevna
(secretary of judge E. G. Porotko)
secretary of the court session Maslennikova Rimma Zainullovna
(secretary judge and V. V. Katerinina)
chief specialist Svetlana Yurievna Palaguta 2-13-95
court secretary Kushenova Lyudmila Nikolavna 2-13-95
chief specialist in informatization
court administrator
court engineer
Romanov Maxim Vladimirovich
Slabodenko Alexey Nikolaevich
Biktasheva Daniya Muldabaevna

Video conference call

Courtroom No. 1
The difference with the Moscow time zone: +2
Phone numbers of the departmental videoconferencing network:
7568702 Secretary in the courtroom
7568799 Fax/Secretary in the courtroom
Responsible for organizing the videoconferencing chief specialist - Maxim Vladimirovich Romanov
Administrator of the court - Alexey Nikolaevich Slabodenko
phone number of the court 8 (35347) 2-13-95, 8 (35347) 2-13-01.

Details for paying the state fee when applying to the Tashlinsky District Court

Name of the payee UFK in the Orenburg region (Interdistrict IFTS of Russia No. 7 in the Orenburg region)
KPP 561201001
TIN of the tax authority and its name 5612034171
OKTMO code 53651440
Beneficiary's bank account number
Beneficiary's account number (treasury account number)
Name of the bank OFFICE OF ORENBURG BANK OF RUSSIA // UFK in the Orenburg region, Orenburg
BIK 015354008
Budget classification code (BCC) 18210803010011050110
Payment name state duty

Details for payment of state duty when filing appeals, sent to the Orenburg Regional Court

Name of the payee Department of the Federal Treasury for the Orenburg Region ( Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Central District of Orenburg)
Checkpoint 561201001
TIN of the tax authority 5612011311
OKTMO 53701000001
Payee's account number 401 018 102 000 000 100 10
Bank name GRKTS GU Bank of Russia for the Orenburg region
BIK 045 354 001
Budget classification code (BCK) 182 108 030 100 110 00 110
Name of payment State duty

Account details for recording transactions with funds received in a temporary order

To personal (deposit) accounts for recording transactions with funds received in a temporary order zhenie, are brought in:
- monetary funds that are the subject of a pledge,
- monetary funds in place of the measures taken by the court to secure the claim (brought in by the defendants);
- monetary funds to ensure reimbursement of legal costs associated with the consideration of a civil case or an administrative case;
- monetary funds contributed as security for an application for participation in determining a supplier (contractor, performer);
- ensuring the execution of the contract.

Account details for recording transactions with funds received in a temporary order:

1. UFK in the Orenburg region (Office of the Judicial Department in the Orenburg region, l/c 05531067760)
2. INN 5610054888
3. CAT 561001001
4. Bank account number 40102810545370000045
5. BIK 015354008
6. KBK 438 1 17 05010016000 180
7. OKTMO 53701000001

Requests for payment of a fine in criminal cases

OMVD of Russia in Tashlinsky district: recipient of UFK in Orenburg region (OMVD of Russia in Tashlinsky district ),
l/s 04531298500,
INN 5648007157,
KPP 564801001,
OKTMO 53651440,
KBK 188 1 16 21 050 056000 140,
r/s 40101810200000010010,
BIK 045354001
Bank: Orenburg Branch

Details for payment of a fine in cases of administrative offenses

OMVD of Russia for Tashlinsky District,
INN 5648007157 KPP 564801001
current account in GRKTS GU Bank of Russia 40101810200000010010
BIK 045354001
OKTMO 53651440
KBK 18811690050056000140


All information of a reference nature on the issues of placing in the reserve for the position of a civil servant can be obtained by calling 8 (35347) 2-13-01 from the assistant to the chairman of the court, Antonova Tatyana Aleksandrovna.


Specialist in public relations and media relations Antonova Tatyana Aleksandrovna
contact phone 8/35347/2-13- 95