• Country: Russia
  • State: Orenburg Region
  • County: Novosergievskij r-n
  • City: p Novosergievka
  • Street, House: pr-kt Kalinina, dom 114
  • Postcode: 461200
  • Site: http://novosergievsky.orb.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: 8(35339)2-20-72
  • Fax: 8(35339)2-20-77
  • Longitude: 53.648575
  • Latitude: 52.092138
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction of the Novosergievsky District Court

The territory of the Novosergievsky district of the Orenburg region includes 1 village council and 18 village councils: Barabanovsky village council with an administrative center in the village. Drum; Berestovsky village council with the administrative center in the village. Berestovka; Gerasimov village council with the administrative center in the village. Gerasimovka; Krasnaya Polyana village council with the administrative center in Krasnaya Polyana settlement; Kulaginsky village council with the administrative center in the village. Kulagino; Kutushevsky village council with the administrative center in the village. Kutush; Kuvay village council with the administrative center in the village. Kuway; Lapaz village council with the administrative center in the village. Lapaz; Mustaevsky village council with the administrative center in the village. Mustaevo; Nesterovsky village council with the administrative center in the village. Nesting; Novosergievsky settlement with the administrative center in the settlement of Novosergievka; Platov village council with the administrative center in the village. Platovka; Pokrovsky village council with the administrative center in the village. Pokrovka; Rybkinsky village council with the administrative center in the village. Rybkino; Sredneuransky village council with the administrative center in the settlement of Sredneuransky; Starobelogorsk village council with the administrative center in the village. Starobelogorka; Sudbodarovsky village council with the administrative center in the village. Destiny; Khutor village council with the administrative center in the village. Khutorka; Yasnogorsk village council with the administrative center in the settlement of Yasnogorsk.


Monday - Friday: 8:30 - 17:15
Lunch break: 13:00 - 13 : 45
Day off: Saturday, Sunday

Monday - Friday: 8:30 - 17:15
Lunch break: 13 : 00 - 13:45
Day off Saturday, Sunday

Contact information

Telephone (fax) of the court office 8 (35339) 2-20-77;
reception court 8 (35339) 2- 20-76

The leadership of the district court

Abuzyarova Dinara Faritovna was appointed temporarily by the order of the Chairperson of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated May 07, 2021 acting as chairman of the Novosergievsky district court.

Judges of the Novosergievsky District Court

Bredikhina Irina Viktorovna was appointed as a judge of the Novosergievsky District Court by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 182 dated 17.02.2009 without limitation of the term of office. Prior to that, she worked as a teacher of legal disciplines at the “Jurisprudence” department of the Sorochinskiy Veterinary College (from 1993 to 2001), from 2001 to April 2003 - a lawyer at the second Orenburg regional bar association. In 1999 she graduated from the Orenburg Institute (branch) of the Moscow State Law Academy with a degree in jurisprudence. Prior to her appointment as a judge of the district court, I. V. Bredikhina was a justice of the peace at court section No. 2 of the Novosergievsky district. Qualification class - 5.
Abuzyarova Dinara Faritovna in 2004 graduated from the Orenburg State Agrarian University, Faculty of Law. Awarded the qualification of a lawyer specializing in jurisprudence. In 2006 she graduated from the Orenburg State Pedagogical University with a degree in Linguistics and Intercultural Communication (Translation and Translation Studies), qualification as a linguist-translator (English). Since August 2001, she worked as a lawyer, head of the legal department in a commercial organization. In June 2007, she was admitted to the position of the federal state civil service as a specialist of the 1st category of the department of legal, economic and social security of the Orenburg regional court. In February 2009, she was transferred to the position of senior specialist of the 1st category of the department of legal, economic and social security of the Orenburg Regional Court. Since November 2010, she worked as an assistant judge of the Orenburg Regional Court. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 329 of 20.07.2017, she was appointed judge of the Novosergievsky District Court of the Orenburg Region without limiting the term of office. Qualification class - 6.
Dronova Tatyana Mikhailovna, was born on May 20, 1979 in the city of Orenburg. From 1996 to 2001 she studied at the Orenburg State University, by the decision of the state attestation commission on June 6, 2001 she was awarded the qualification of a lawyer in the specialty "Jurisprudence", received a diploma with honors. From 2008 to 2012, she studied by correspondence at the Orenburg State University, by the decision of the State Attestation Commission of the Orenburg State University on March 2, 2012 she was awarded the qualification of an economist in the specialty "Finance and Credit", and received a diploma. Since October 14, 2002, she worked as a clerk of the court session for civil cases in the Leninsky District Court of Orenburg, on April 18, 2006 she was transferred to the position of an assistant judge, on May 25, 2009 she was accepted as a transfer from the Leninsky District Court of Orenburg to the Orenburg Regional Court at the position of assistant judge, in which she worked until April 21, 2017. By the Decree of the Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg Region of April 19, 2017 No. 361, she was appointed to the post of magistrate of the judicial district within the administrative-territorial boundaries of the entire Dombarovsky district of the Orenburg region for a five-year term of office from April 19, 2017 to April 19, 2022, from April 24, 2017 to the Dombarovskiy judicial district of the Orenburg region as a magistrate of the judicial district within the administrative-territorial boundaries of the entire Dombarovskiy district of the Orenburg region, in which she worked until October 23, 2020. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 15, 2020 No. 627 "On the appointment of judges of federal courts" she was appointed judge of the Novosergievsky District Court of the Orenburg Region, from October 26, 2020 she took up her duties. Has 8 qualification class.

LIST of staff of the Novosergievsky District Court

Position Full name Phone
Court administrator Kharitonova Elena Nikolaevna 2-20 -77
Assistant to the President of the Court 2-20-72
Judge Assistant Tyatyaeva Lilya Marsovna 2-20-76
Chief Specialist Shnyakina Anna Mikhailovna 2-20-77
Chief specialist in informatization Emelyanov Alexander Yurievich 2-20-77
Secretary of the court session Elena Nikolaevna Gerasimova 2-20-76
Court secretary Nadezhda Viktorovna Popova 2-20-76
Court secretary sessions
Secretary of the court session
Erofeeva Diana Vladimirovna
Mimorova Svetlana Alekseevna
Secretary court Tikhonova Irina Aleksandrovna 2-20-77
Court Secretary Rakhimberdina Irina Olegovna 2-20-77

Reception of the court

Reception of citizens Novosergievsky District Court of the Orenburg Region is open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Reception is conducted every working day, except Saturday, Sunday, holidays. The reception is located on the 1st floor in office No. 1, telephone 8 (35339) 2-20-76. The reception of citizens is carried out by the assistant to the judge Tyatyaeva Lilya Marsovna.
CARRYS OUT from citizens, their representatives, as well as representatives of legal entities:
Written appeals, as well as documents on court cases
Appellate (private) complaints, submissions
Complaints (representations ) in administrative cases.
Written appeals by citizens can be sent to the Novosergievsky District Court of the Orenburg Region at the postal address: 461200, Orenburg Region, Novosergievsky District, Novosergievka settlement, 114 Kalinina Avenue, as well as to the court's email address.

Video conferencing

Novosergievskiy District Court has the ability to hold court sessions using video conferencing in room 2.
IP-address of the video-conferencing set 10. 56. 71. 50
Time zone (+5) time difference from Moscow +2 hours
IP-phone/fax in the hall s/s: 7567102/7567199
Informatization specialist Emelyanov Alexander Yurievich, responsible for organizing the video-conference call
Phone: 8 (35339) 2-20-77

State duty for filing an application with the court

Name of the payee: UFK MIFNS RF No. 7 for the Orenburg region
INN: 5612034171
OKTMO: 53631432
Beneficiary's bank account number (number of the bank account that is part of the single treasury account): 40102810545370000045
Beneficiary's account number (number of the treasury account): 03100643000000015300
BANK: BRANCH ORENBURG BANK OF RUSSIA/UFK in the Orenburg region Orenburg
BIK: 015354008
KBK: 182 1 08 03010 01 1050 110
Checkpoint: 561201001

Working hours of the reception office of citizens

For the purpose of implementation by citizens constitutional right to appeal e to state bodies, improving the organization and ensuring work on the reception of citizens, since February 2, 2009, the reception of citizens is carried out by the assistant judge Tyatyaeva Lilya Marsovna. The public reception is open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm every working day without lunch. In accordance with the "Instruction for dealing with citizens' appeals in court" approved by the chairman of the Novosergievsky district court, the assistant judge accepts applications, appeals, complaints, which are registered in the journals of personal reception of citizens.
Reception of citizens is located in a separate office No. 1 on the 1st floor, telephone 8 (35339) 2-20-76.

The chairman of the Novosergievsky district court, Khalepa Tatyana Evgenievna, receives citizens with complaints about the actions of the court apparatus and judges every day from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, in their free time from court sessions.

Details of payment of a fine (in criminal cases)

UFK for the Orenburg region (department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Novosergievsky district)
TIN 5636005349 - KPP 563601001 - OKATO 53231832001 - Current account 40101810200000010010 - Bank GRKTS GU Bank of Russia for the Orenburg region - BIK 045354001
KBK 18811621050056000140


All information of a reference nature on the issues of placing in the reserve for the position of a civil servant can be obtained by calling 8 (35339) 2-20-72 Assistant to the President of the Court Elena Nikolaevna Krivobokova.


Assistant to the judge of the Novosergievskiy district court of the Orenburg region, public relations and mass media specialist Tyatyaeva Lilya Marsovna.
Contact phone 8 (35339) 2-20-76.