• Country: Russia
  • State: Orenburg Region
  • County: Aleksandrovskij r-n
  • City: s Aleksandrovka
  • Street, House: ul Michurina, dom 36
  • Postcode: 461830
  • Site: http://aleksandrovsky.orb.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (35359) 2-14-75
  • Longitude: 54.413921
  • Latitude: 52.682868
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction

Municipal entity "Alexandrovsky rural council": Aleksandrovka village (administrative center), Buranny, Podgorny settlements; Municipal formation "Georgievsky village council": villages Georgievka (administrative center), Kayapkulovo, Kurpyachevo, Roschepkino; Municipal entity "Dobrinsky village council": the villages of Arkhangelovka, Dobrinka (administrative center), the village of Zagorsky, the village of Mikhailovka; Municipal formation "Zhdanovsky village council": the villages of Zhdanovka (administrative center), Kamenka, Nikolaevka, Novonikolskoye, Novospasskoye, Fedorovka; Municipal formation "Zelenoroshchinsky village council": villages Zelenaya Roshcha (administrative center), Kanchirovo, Kutuchevo, Yakut; Municipal formation "Kalikinsky rural council": Dalniy settlement, Kalikino villages (administrative center), Novonikitino; Municipal formation "Marksovsky rural council": the village of Dmitrievka, the villages of Kurskiy, Marksovskiy (administrative center), Samarskiy, Engels; Municipal formation "Novomikhaylovsky rural council": the villages of Aktynovo, Isyangildino, Novomikhaylovka (administrative center); Municipal formation "Romanovsky village council": the villages of Gavrilovka, Novodmitrievka, the villages of Romanovsky (administrative center), North; Municipal formation "Sultakayevsky rural council": Maysky settlement, Sultakai villages (administrative center), Yurtaevo; Municipal formation "Tukayevsky village council": the village of Tukay (administrative center), the village of Yuzhny; Municipal Formation "Khortitsky Village Council": villages Kantserovka, Malaya Dobrinka, settlement Mirny, villages Ozerka, Petrovka, Ukrainka, Khortytsya (administrative center), settlement Shar; Municipal formation "Cheboksarovsky village council": the villages of Streletsk, Uspenka, Cheboksarovo (administrative center); Municipal formation "Yafarovsky rural council": the village of Komsomolsky, the village of Yafarovo (administrative center).

Information of a reference nature, including about the passage of cases in court, can be obtained by calling 2-15-79, the chief specialist of the office management department Sadovnikova Lyudmila Vladimirovna.

Working hours and reception of citizens of the Aleksandrovsky District Court

Court hours
Monday 8. 30 - 17.30
Tuesday 8. 30 - 17.30
Wednesday 8. 30 - 17.30
Thursday 8. 30 - 17.30
Friday 8. 30 - 16.30
Lunch break from 13:00 to 1348
Day off Saturday, Sunday

court archive mode:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

11. 00-13. 00

Phone code (35359)

Reception of the Aleksandrovsky District Court

Court Administrator

Mokin Valery Fedorovich

Tel. 2-15-79

Information of a reference nature, including about the passage of cases in court, can be obtained at the reception of the Aleksandrovsky District Court by phone 2-15-79 from the administrator of the court Mokin Valery Fedorovich.

Information on the issues of filling a vacant position of a judge, vacant positions in the civil service in the apparatus of the court can be obtained by calling 2-10-71.

assistant to the president of the court

Spiridonova Lyudmila Anatolyevna

Administrator of the court

Mokin Valery Fedorovich

Tel. 2-15-79

Press service of the court

Olga Nikolaevna Badzhurak

Tel. 2-10-71

In accordance with Federal Law No. 273-FZ "On Combating Corruption" and "Anti-Corruption Plan of the Judicial System of the Orenburg Region" judges do not receive citizens.

The president of the court, according to the established schedule, receives citizens on non-procedural issues.

Other appeals of citizens are accepted at the admissions court.

In accordance with the Recommendations of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Council of Europe dated May 14, 1981 No. R (81) 7 and dated September 11, 1995 No. R (95) 12, the courts are not entitled to give legal advice and consultations on the merits of the case, so as not to violate the principle of equality of the parties.

Reception opening hours:

daily from Monday to Thursday: 8.30 am to 5.30 pm, lunch break from 13.00 until 13.48
on Friday 8.30 to 16.30, lunch break from 13.00 to 13.48
phone for inquiries: 8 (35359) 21-0-71

The reception is receiving:

  • statements of claim,
  • statements on the establishment of legal facts,
  • complaints about the actions of officials,
  • other applications of citizens related to the consideration of cases (on matters of securing a claim, lifting the arrest of property, issuing duplicates of executive documents), etc.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Combating Corruption” and “Anti-Corruption Plan of the Judicial System of the Orenburg Region” judges do not receive citizens.

The president of the court, according to the established schedule, receives citizens on non-procedural issues.

The leadership of the district court

By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2020 No. 432, Pavel Yuryevich Beimler was appointed the chairman of the Aleksandrovsky District Court. Chairman of the Aleksandrovsky District Court of the Orenburg Region Pavel Yuryevich Beimler was born in 1977 in the city of Novotroitsk, Orenburg Region. Graduated from the Orenburg Institute of the Moscow State Law University. O. E. Kutafina in 2005. From 2014 to 2015, he worked as a justice of the peace at the court district No. 1 of the Oktyabrsky district of the city of Orsk, Orenburg region. From 2015 to June 2020 - a judge of the Oktyabrsky District Court of the city of Orsk, Orenburg Region.

Judges of the Aleksandrovskiy District Court

The Judge of the Aleksandrovskiy District Court of the Orenburg Region - Topilchuk Irina Sergeevna. IS Topilchuk graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy in 2009. From 2005 to 2006 she worked as a secretary of the court session of the Soviet District Court of Orsk. From 2006 to 2014 she worked as a secretary of the court session of the court section No. 2 and No. 5 of the Oktyabrsky district of the city of Orsk; the assistant of the magistrate of the judicial section No. 5 of the Oktyabrsky district of the city of Orsk. From 2014 to 2016, she worked as a court clerk, assistant judge of the Oktyabrsky District Court of Orsk. From 2016 to 28.02.2020, she worked as an assistant judge of the Orenburg Regional Court. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 02. 02. 2020 No. 141 Irina Sergeevna Topilchuk was appointed judge of the Aleksandrovsky District Court of the Orenburg Region.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 273-FZ "On Combating Corruption" and "Anti-Corruption Plan of the Judicial System of the Orenburg Region," judges do not receive citizens.

The president of the court, according to the established schedule, receives citizens on non-procedural issues.

Other appeals of citizens are accepted in the admissions court.

In accordance with the Recommendations of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Council of Europe dated May 14, 1981 No. R (81) 7 and dated September 11, 1995 No. R (95) 12, the courts are not entitled to give legal advice and consultations on the merits of the case, so as not to violate the principle of equality of the parties.

Contact phones of court staff

Contact phones:
assistant to the chairman:
Spiridonova Lyudmila Anatolyevna tel: 8 (35359) 21071
assistant judge, press secretary of the court:
Olga Nikolaevna Badzhurak tel: 8 (35359) 21071
court clerk:
Marina Aleksandrovna Peretyatko tel: 8 (35359) 21475
court clerk:
Zhikhareva Oksana Vladimirovna tel. 8 (35359) 21589
chief specialist:
Sadovnikova Lyudmila Vladimirovna
tel. 8 (35359) 21579
Working with the court archive: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
11-00 to 13-00
Mokin Valery Fedorovich tel. 8 (35359) 21579

In accordance with Federal Law No. 273-FZ "On Combating Corruption" and "Anti-Corruption Plan of the Judicial System of the Orenburg Region»Judges do not receive citizens.
Only the chairman of the court, in accordance with the established schedule, receives citizens on non-procedural issues: he considers the issues of organizing the activities of the court and complaints about the actions of judges.
Other appeals of citizens are accepted at the admissions court.
In accordance with the Recommendations of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Council of Europe dated May 14, 1981 No. R (81) 7 and dated September 11, 1995 No. R (95) 12, the courts are not entitled to give legal advice and consultations on the merits of the case, so as not to violate the principle equality of the parties.

Video conference call

The difference from Moscow time is + 2 hours.
The number of the hall equipped with a videoconferencing system - 1.
IP address of the Polycom QDX 6000 codec: 10. 56. 51. 50.
IP phone numbers in the courtroom equipped with a video conferencing system: 7565102.
IP fax number in the courtroom: 7565103.
Responsible for the technical support of the videoconferencing - court administrator: Mokin Valery Fedorovich. Tel. 8 (35359) 2-15-79
Responsible for the videoconferencing session:
- assistant to the chairman of the court: Spiridonova Lyudmila Anatolyevna.
- assistant judge: Olga Nikolaevna Badzhurak
Tel. 8 (35359) 2-10-71
Information for the court considering the case: if possible, schedule court hearings using videoconferencing - weekly on Tuesdays and Fridays from 10:00 am to 16:00 pm (local time).
Note: rulings (instructions) of the court considering the case (written applications for organizing a court session in the videoconferencing regime) should be sent to the chairman of the Aleksandrovskiy District Court of the Orenburgskaya Oblast at the address: 461830, Orenburgskaya Oblast, Aleksandrovskiy District, p. Alexandrovka, st. Michurina, 36 (tel./fax: 8 (35359) 2-14-75).

Details for payment of state fees, fines for administrative offenses, fines and other amounts collected from persons guilty of committing crimes

(payable when applying to the court)

Beneficiary's bank: Branch of Orenburg Bank of Russia // UFK for the Orenburg region, Orenburg
BIK of the beneficiary's bank 015354008
Beneficiary's account 03100643000000015300
IFTS code 5603
In cases under consideration Aleksandrovskiy District Court
TIN of the recipient 5603011435
Checkpoint of the recipient 560301001
Recipient's name UFK for the Orenburg region (Interdistrict IFTS No. 3 for the Orenburg region)
Invoice 40102810545370000045

(payable to based on judicial acts based on the results of consideration of cases on the merits)

Beneficiary's bank: Branch of the Orenburg Bank of Russia // UFK for the Orenburg region, Orenburg
BIK of the beneficiary's bank 015354008
Beneficiary's account 03100643000000015300
IFTS code 5603
In cases under consideration Aleksandrovskiy District Court
TIN of the recipient 5603011435
Checkpoint of the recipient 560301001
Recipient's name UFK in the Orenburg region (Interdistrict IFTS No. 3 in the Orenburg region)
Account 40102810545370000045

when filing appeals and cassation complaints

Beneficiary's bank: Orenburg branch
BIK bank recipient 045 354 001
Beneficiary account No. 401 018 102 000 000 100 10
Budget classification (tax) code 182 108 030 100 110 00 110
TIN of the recipient 561 201 13 11
KPP of the recipient 561 201 001
Beneficiary's name Department of the Federal Treasury for the Orenburg Region (IFTS of Russia for the Central District of Orenburg)
OKTMO 537 010 00

PENALTY for administrative offenses in area of ​​taxes and fees

Beneficiary's bank: Branch of the Orenburg Bank of Russia // UFK in the Orenburg region Orenburg
BIK of the beneficiary's bank 015354008
Beneficiary's account 03100643000000015300
IFTS code 5603
In the cases under consideration Aleksandrovsky district court
TIN of the recipient 563011435
KPP of the recipient 560301001
Name of the recipient UFK for the Orenburg region (Interdistrict IFTS No. 3 for the Orenburg area)
Account 40102810545370000045

Requisites for deposit amounts

Beneficiary's bank: Branch Orenburg Orenburg
BIC of the beneficiary's bank 045354001
Beneficiary's account 40302810800001000011
Budget classification code 43811705010010000180
Beneficiary's INN 56010054888
KPP of the recipient 561001001
Name of the recipient UFK in the Orenburg region (Office of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of the Orenburg area l/sr 05438067760)
OKATO code 53401000000

Details for payment of fines assigned to as the main punishment in criminal cases considered by the Aleksandrovskiy District Court of the Orenburg Region.

Please note that the administrator of the income is the body that investigated the criminal case.

The body that investigated the criminal case Details
Bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (police) UFK in the Orenburg region (Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Aleksandrovsky district, l/s 04531F92410) TIN 5602024907 KPP 560201001 Payer's bank: DEPARTMENT ORENBURG, ORENBURG BIK 045354001 No. SCH 401018102000000 : 18811621010016000140.
Bodies of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia

UFK for the Orenburg Region (Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Orenburg Region)

l/s 04531А59000 INN/KPP 5610137566/561001001 BIK 045354001 in the ORENBURG DEPARTMENT ORENBURG R/s 40101810200000010010

OKTMO 53701000 KBK 41711621010016000140

UFSSP of Russia (Federal Service of Bailiffs) UFK for the Orenburg Region (UFSSP of Russia for the Orenburg Region) Beneficiary's bank: BRANCH ORENBURG ORENBURG l/s 04531785500 BIK 045354001 INN 5611032615 check point 561101001 count. 40101810200000010010 OKTMO 53701000.

Details for the payment of fines (monetary penalties), appointed as a procedural response of the order of Art. Art. 117, 118 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, art. 168 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, Art. Art. 122, 150 CAS RF.


UFSSP of Russia (bailiff service) UFK in Orenburgskaya region (UFSSP of Russia for the Orenburg region) Beneficiary's bank: BRANCH ORENBURG ORENBURG l/s 04531785500 BIK 045354001 INN 5611032615 KPP 561101001 Account. 40101810200000010010 OKTMO 53701000.

Additional information can be obtained by calling: (35359) 21-5-79, or by contacting the reception court.

Notification of the participants in the trial about the date, time and place of the court session via sms

In the Aleksandrovsky District Court, notification of the participants in the trial about the date , time and place of the court session is carried out by means of sms-messages.
Notification of the participants in the trial by means of an SMS message is carried out in case of their consent to the notification in this way and when the fact of sending and delivery of an SMS notification to the addressee is recorded. The fact of consent to receive an SMS notification is confirmed by a receipt, in which, along with the information about the participant in the proceedings and his consent to notification in a similar way, the mobile phone number to which the SMS notification is sent is indicated.


For information on filling vacant positions in the civil service in the court apparatus, call (35335) 2-10-71 - assistant to the chairman of the court Spiridonova Lyudmila Anatolyevna.


Cooperation with the media and the public is carried out by the assistant judge Olga Nikolaevna Bajurak. Contact phone: 8 (35359) 2-10-71
fax: 8 (35359) 2-14-75, 2-15-89