• Country: Russia
  • State: Nizhny Novgorod Region
  • City: g Sarov
  • Street, House: pr-kt Mira, dom 13
  • Postcode: 607188
  • Site: http://sarovsky.nnov.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (831-30) 7-64-52
  • Longitude: 43.33605
  • Latitude: 54.924004
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Court hours

Monday - Thursday 8.30 - 17.30

Friday and pre-holiday days 8.30 - 16.30

Lunch 12.30 - 13.30

Saturday and Sunday Closed

Claims (complaints) of citizens are accepted at the Reception Court as an assistant judge on duty

(office No. 102, 1st floor, tel. 7-64-52)

Monday - Thursday 8.30 - 17.30

Friday and pre-holiday days 8.30 - 16.30

Reception of citizens is carried out in the presence of a statement of claim (complaint) with the attachment of necessary documents, with copies of the number of persons involved in the case, receipts payment of state fees.

Appeals, appeals, private appeals to court rulings, as well as objections to appeals and appeals and representations are accepted in office number 102 (1st floor) throughout the working day.

Issuance of copies of court decisions and sentences is carried out in the Reception Court by the assistant judge on duty
in office number 102 (1st floor) during the whole working day.

Reception of citizens on personal matters is carried out:

Chairman of the court Alexander Alexandrovich Kulikovsky (room No. 302, 3rd floor)

Tuesday 15.00 - 17 00

Friday 10.00 - 12.00

Territorial jurisdiction

Territorial jurisdiction extends to the entire territory of the city Sarov.

Reception of citizens

Reception of citizens is carried out in a specially designated room (office number 102 - phone: 7-64-52) every day throughout working day, with a lunch break from 12.30 to 13.30 o'clock -

Monday - from 08 o'clock. 30 minutes. until 17:00 30 minutes.

Tuesday - from 08:00 30 minutes. until 17:00 30 minutes.

Wednesday - from 08:00 30 minutes. until 17:00 30 minutes.

Thursday - from 08:00. 30 minutes. until 17:00 30 minutes.

Friday - from 08:00 30 minutes. up to 16 hours. 30 minutes.

The first and third Saturday of each month - from 10 am. 00 minutes until 13:00 00 minutes

Reception of citizens is carried out without prior registration in the order of priority of application, with the exception of citizens who have appeared at the court sessions of the Sarov City Court, which is carried out as a priority.

Upon admission, the citizen presents an identity document.

Reception hours for citizens (individuals), representatives of organizations (legal entities), public associations, government bodies and local governments:

- Chairman of the Sarov City Court - Alexander Alexandrovich Kulikovsky

(office No. 302, 3rd floor)

Tuesday 15.00 - 17.00

Friday 10.00 - 12.00

- The time of reception of citizens (individuals), including representatives of organizations (legal entities), public associations, public authorities and local government bodies on issues related to the consideration of cases in court, and other issues related to the activities of the court, as well as the acceptance of documents is carried out by assistant judges (office number 102, phone: 7-64-52)

Monday - from 08.30 to 17.30

Tuesday - 08.30 to 17.30

Wednesday - 08.30 to 17.30

Thursday - 08.30 to 17.30

Friday - from 08.30 to 16.30

In the Sarov City Court of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Asti organized a duty on the reception of citizens on weekends and holidays

In order to ensure the rights of citizens to free access to justice in the Sarov town court of the Nizhny Novgorod region from November 01, 2014, a duty on the reception of citizens (except for legal entities) was organized in weekends and holidays.

Reception of citizens will be carried out on the first and third Saturday of each month in the building of the Sarov city court located at the address:

Nizhny Novgorod region, city of Sarov, Prospekt Mira, house 13, office 102

From 10-00 o'clock to 13-00 o'clock

The duty of receiving citizens and documents is assigned to the assistant judges of the Sarov city court.

In accordance with the Instruction on Judicial Proceedings in the District Court, documents accepted by an employee of the admissions court are subject to registration in the PI "Judicial Proceedings" database and are sent by appointment on the first working day following the day of admission.

Sections of judges

Applications submitted to the court (accepted at the reception by the assistants of the judges or received by mail) are distributed among the judges according to the territorial basis (depending on place of residence of the defendant) by the chairman of the court.

Information on the access of disabled people and other low-mobility groups of the population to the building of the Sarov City Court

1. The person responsible for organizing the access of people with limited mobility to the building of the Sarov City Court was appointed the assistant to the chairman of the court Mironova Svetlana Mikhailovna

2. When going on vacation and other cases of long absence of the responsible person, her duties are assigned to the chief specialist of the court Krivunets O. V.

3. The call button and information with the phone numbers of responsible persons, by which citizens from low-mobility groups of the population can apply for help to provide access to the courthouse, is located on the left side of the main entrance to the building.

4. Citizens belonging to low-mobility groups of the population, to participate in a court session, as well as to exercise other rights provided for by procedural legislation (familiarization with the case materials, obtaining copies of judicial acts, writs of execution, etc.), who have difficulty in moving independently to the building courts can ask for help from bailiffs on OUPDS

6-08-02 - bailiffs on OUPDS, on duty at the building, or by phone

7-64-52 - court reception

6-07-99 - assistant to the president of the court

6-08-20 - clerk of the court (chief specialist)

5. The passage of vehicles belonging to the disabled into the court area adjacent to the main entrance to the building is allowed.

Phones for inquiries:

Reception: (83130) 7-64-52

Office: (83130) 6-08-20

Fax: (83130) 3-57-19

Phones for inquiries

Helper chairman of the court - 8 (83130) 6-07-99

Reception of the court - 8 (83130) 7-64-52 (information on the receipt of incoming correspondence, its transfer to judges and responsible persons)

- 8 (83130) 6-08-20 Court consultant

- 8 (83130) 3-57-19 (information on filling vacant civil service positions in the court apparatus, posting data on the official website of the court .

Court composition

Full name Position Cabinet number Grounds for empowering

Kulikovsky Alexander Alexandrovich
President of the Court 302 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 12.08.2019 No. 376 "On the appointment of judges of federal courts"
Badoyan Sergey Alexandrov ich Deputy President of the Court 110 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 14.09.2020 No. 554 "On the appointment of judges of federal courts and on representatives of the President of the Russian Federation Federation in the qualification collegia of judges of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation "
Maksimenko Tatyana Vladimirovna Judge 210 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 10.08.2012 No. 1150 "On the appointment of judges of federal courts"
Tatyana Vasilievna Potapova Judge 202 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 15.12.2016 No. 5669 "On the appointment of judges of federal courts"
Nikolayev Andrey Alekseevich Judge215 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 15.05.2013 N 512 "On the appointment of judges of federal courts"
Kovalev Eduard Vasilievich Judge 205 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.10.2017 N 506 "On the appointment of judges federal courts "
Tagina Lyudmila Nikolaevna С udya 317 Order of the Chairman of the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Court No. 5 of 18.02.2020 "On bringing to justice as a judge" in accordance with Art. 7-1 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Status of Judges in the Russian Federation"

Composition of the Court

Chairman of the Sarov City Court of the Nizhny Novgorod Region
Kulikovsky Alexander Alexandrovich

address: 607188, Sarov, Prospect Mira, 13 office. 302
tel. reception 8 (83130) 6-07-99

Deputy Chairman of the Sarov City Court

Badoyan Sergey Alexandrovich

address: 607188, Sarov, Mira Ave. , office 13 110
tel. reception 8 (83130) 3-05-04

Federal judge Maksimenko Tatyana Vladimirovna
address: 607188, Sarov, Prospect Mira, 13 office. 211
tel. reception 8 (83130) 6-08-12

Federal judge
address: 607188, Sarov, Prospect Mira, 13, office. 109а
tel. reception 8 (83130) 6-08-07

Federal judge
address: 607188, Sarov, Prospect Mira, 13 office. 308
tel. receptionist

Federal judge Nikolayev Andrey Alekseevich
address: 607188, Sarov, Prospect Mira, 13 office. 215
tel. reception 8 (83130) 6-08-10

Federal judge Potapova Tatyana Vasilievna
address: 607188, Sarov, Prospect Mira, 13 office. 203
tel. reception 8 (83130) 6-08-15

Federal judge Kovalev Eduard Vasilievich
address: 607188, Sarov, Mira ave., 13 office. 205
tel. reception 8 (83130) 6-08-11

Federal judge Tagina Lyudmila Nikolaevna
address: 607188, Sarov, Mira ave., 13 office. 317
tel. reception 8 (83130) 3-08-21

Deputy Chairman of the Sarov City Court

Federal Judge - Sergey Aleksandrovich Badoyan

address: 607188, Sarov, Mira ave., 13 office 110
tel. reception 8 (83130) 3-05-04

Court administrator Grishina Yulia Sergeevna
address: 607188, Sarov, Mira ave., 13 cab. 310
tel. 8 (83130) 3-57-19

Interacts with organizations, institutions on the activities of the court, organizes the work of the court, interacts with law enforcement agencies.

State civil servants

chief specialist Olga Vladimirovna Krivunets
address: Sarov, Mira ave., 13 office. 212
tel. 8 (83130) 6-08-20
Organizes the work of the court office, is responsible for receiving and sending mail, prepares and directs cases to the cassation instance.

Secretary for Civil Affairs Nikonova Margarita Viktorovna
address: Sarov, Prospect Mira, 13 office. 213
tel. 8 (83130) 6-08-20
Carries out control over the timely execution of court decisions, referral of cases to the cassation and supervisory instance, controls the activities of the court clerks within its competence.
Secretary for Criminal Cases Ekaterina Valerievna Mochalina

address: Sarov, Prospect Mira, 13 office. 213
tel. 8 (83130) 6-08-20
Carries out control over the timely execution of court decisions, referral of cases to the cassation and supervisory instance, controls the activities of the court clerks within its competence.

Senior specialist of the 1st category (archivist) Tsibikova Alla Anatolyevna

Senior specialist of the 1st category (archivist) Turutina Elena Vasilievna

address. 607188, Sarov, Mira ave., 13 office 205
tel. 8 (83130) 6-08-20

Organizes the work of the archive of the court, carries out the issuance of documents from the archive of the court to citizens and representatives of legal entities,
maintains correspondence with institutions, organizations within its competence.

Contact phones of judges and court staff

F. I.O. Position Cab no. Tel.
Kulikovsky Alexander Alexandrovich President of the Court 302
Mironova Svetlana Mikhailovna Assistant to the President of the Court



  secretary of the court session 6-07-99
Badoyan Sergey Alexandrovich Deputy Chairman of the Court 110
Fedyaeva Elena Nikolaevna Judge Assistant



C/C Secretary



Potapova Tatyana Vasilievna Judge 202
Turkanova Natalia Alexandrovna Assistant Judge


6-08- 15

Anna Andreevna Aniskina C/C Secretary



Maksimenko Tatiana Vladimirovna 210
Olga Valerievna Beloborodova Judge Assistant



C/C Secretary



Tagina Lyudmila Nikolaevna Judge 317
Oksana Vyacheslavovna Semikova Judge Assistant



Daria Sergeevna Shurygina C/C Secretary


3-08 -21

Nikolayev Andrey Alekseevich Judge 215
  Assistant Referee



Elena I. Pantyukhina C/C Secretary



Kovalev Eduard Vasilievich Judge 205
Romaeva Anna Sergeevna Judge Assistant



Sazanova Tatyana Dmitrievna C/C Secretary



Tatyana Nikolaevna Larionova C/C Secretary



Belyavska I am Alina Sergeevna assistant judge
Panteleeva Anna Alekseevna secretary of the c/c
Mayorova Ekaterina Yurievna Secretary of the C/C
Kalyuta Svetlana Yurievna Consultant

307 3-57-19

Marina A. Shukshina Consultant



Krivunets Olga Vladimirovna Ch. specialist



Mochalina Ekaterina Valerievna Court clerk



Nikonova Margarita Viktorovna Court clerk



Turutina Elena Vasilievna

Art. specialist




Tsibikova Alla Anatolyevna

Art. specialist




Yulia Sergeevna Grishina Court administrator




There is a technical capability of videoconferencing in the Sarov city court of the Nizhny Novgorod region, the videoconferencing system is equipped one courtroom (hall No. 209).

The operating mode of the said hall is determined by the order of the chairman of the court.

The periods of availability (unavailability) of the courtroom for videoconferencing sessions are determined only in accordance with the schedule of videoconferencing in court.

For detailed information on the accessibility (inaccessibility) of the courtroom for conducting videoconferencing sessions, please contact the persons responsible for organizing the videoconferencing.

IP-address of the codec:

IP-phone number of the private videoconferencing network: 7529203

IP-fax number of the private videoconferencing network: 7529299

Contact details of persons responsible for organizing videoconferencing

Consultant - Svetlana Yuryevna Kalyuta, tel: (8-83130) 3-57- 19

Court consultant - Marina Aleksandrovna Shukshina, tel: (8-83130) 3-57-19

details for payment of state duty


Name of the payee UFK of the Ministry of Finance of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod Region MRI FTS No. 3 for the Nizhny Novgorod region
KPP 525401001
TIN of the tax authority and its name 5254026001
OKTMO code 22704000
Payee's account number 40101810400000010002
Name of the bank Volgo-Vyatka GU of the Bank of Russia
BIC 042202001
Budget classification code (BCC) 18210803010011000110
Name of payment State duty on cases considered in courts of general jurisdiction


Beneficiary's name UFK of the RF Ministry of Finance for the Nizhny Novgorod region
KPP 525401001
TIN of the tax authority and its name 5254013764
OKATO 22503000000
beneficiary's account number payment 40101810400000010002
Bank name Volgo-Vyatka State Administration of the Bank of Russia
BIK 042202001
Budget classification code (BCK) 18811690040040000140
Payment name Court penalty


On the issues of filling vacant positions in the civil service and the results of the courses for filling vacancies in the apparatus of the Sarov City Court of the Nizhny Novgorod Region:

court consultant - Svetlana Yuryevna Kalyuta

tel./fax: (83130) 3-57-19


In the Sarov city court of the Nizhny Novgorod region responsible for interaction with the media information on the activities of the court is the press secretary of the court Kalyuta Svetlana Yurievna

address: 607188, Sarov, Prospect Mira, 13 office. 307
tel. 8 (83130) 3-57-19