• Country: Russia
  • State: Nizhny Novgorod Region
  • County: Pilninskij r-n
  • City: rp Pilna
  • Street, House: ul Urickogo, dom 8
  • Postcode: 607490
  • Site: http://pilninsky.nnov.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (831-92) 5-16-62, 5-15-48
  • Fax: (831-92) 5 15 48
  • Longitude: 45.921249
  • Latitude: 55.546328
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction

p. t. Pilna, Pilninsky district, Nizhny Novgorod region

Territorial jurisdiction





May 1






Karl Marx

pl. Soviet


1st Embankment


pl. Revolution

Collective farm


2nd Embankment



T. Martemyanova


40 years of Victory


lane. Central

Mkr. Western








Construction site

pl. Market

lane. Sick leave

pos. Southern



Court hours:

Monday - Thursday from 08:00 to 17:00
Friday and holidays from 08:00 to 16:00
Lunch break 12:00 to 1248



Every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month, applications are accepted from 9:00 to 13:00

Day off

Reception of citizens with statements of claim (complaints) is carried out in the Reception Court by the assistant judge on duty throughout the working day

(office no. 10, 1st floor, tel. 5-33-22, 5-16-62)

Reception of citizens is carried out in the presence of documents proving the identity of the person, a statement of claim (complaint) with the attachment of the necessary documents, notification on delivery or other documents confirming the direction to other persons participating in the case, copies of the statement of claim, a receipt for payment of the state duty.

Appeals, submissions, private complaints against court rulings, as well as objections to appeals and submissions are accepted at the Reception Court in room 10 (1st floor) throughout the working day, with a lunch break ...

Familiarization with the case materials is carried out:

Monday - Thursday from 08. 00 to 11.45; from 13:00 to 16.45
Friday and holidays from 08:00 to 11:45; from 13:00 to 15.45

Copies of judicial acts are issued:

Monday - Thursday from 08:00 to 11:45; from 13:00 to 16.45
Friday and holidays from 08:00 to 11:45; from 13:00 to 1545

Chief Specialist 5-15-48

Fax 5-15- 48

Personal reception of citizens on the organization of the work of the court is carried out:

The President of the Court (office No. 1, 2nd floor)

Tuesday 09:00 to 10:00

Directions to the courthouse:

on the street. Uritskogo r. the village of Pilna to the stop "Center" by bus No. 1 "City Ring"

The participants in the proceedings may be notified of the date and time of the court session by means of an SMS notification, with the consent of the participants in the court session.

Composition of the Pilninsky District Court

F. I.O. Position Grounds for empowering Phone
Olga Nikolaevna Sycheva President of the Court Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 14.10.2019 No. 496 "On the appointment of judges of federal courts, on representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the qualification collegia of judges of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" 5 -10-50
Shishechkina Irina Nikolaevna Judge Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 19.06.2019 No. 286 "On appointment judges of federal courts and representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the qualification collegiums of judges of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation " 5-10-03
Kabaeva Olga Viktorovna Judge assistant   5-16-62
Afanasyeva Albina Viktorovna Court consultant   5-16-49
Andronycheva Maria Vladimirovna Chief specialist   5-15-48
Lilia Nikolaevna Muslakova Court clerk   5-15-48
Alekh ina Anna Vladimirovna The secretary of the court session of the judge O. N. Sychevoy   5-16-49
Moshkova Irina Evgenievna The secretary of the court session, judge Shishechkina I. N.   5-10-03
Nikitina Olga Vladimirovna Court administrator   5-15-15

Reception hours

Reception of citizens is carried out by the assistant judge Olga Viktorovna Kabaeva every day, except weekends and holidays, and every second and fourth Saturday of the month.

Start of the working day

Lunch break

End of the working day    

8. 00

12. 00 - 12.48.

17. 00

Friday - 16:00.

holidays - 16:00

State duty

UFK RF Ministry of Finance for the Nizhny Novgorod region
(MI FTS No. 12 for the Nizhny Novgorod region)
TIN 5229005583 R/s 40101810400000010002
Volgo-Vyatskoe GU of the Bank of Russia
BIK 042202001 OKTMO code 22645151
KBK 18210803010011000110 KPP 522901001
State duty

When submitting an application for re-issuance of copies of judicial acts, copies of other documents from the case, as well as duplicates of writ of execution, the state duty is not charged.

Since January 1, 2013 signed. 10 p. 1 art. 333.19 and sub. 13 p. 1 of art. 333.21 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. In this regard, the state duty is no longer charged when applying for re-issuance of the following documents:

- copies of decisions, sentences, court orders, court rulings, decisions of the presidium of the supervisory court, copies of other documents from the case issued by the court ;

- copies of decisions, rulings, court orders, copies of other documents from the case, issued by the arbitration court.

It is also required to pay a state fee when submitting an application for the issuance of duplicates of executive documents.

Blank penalty.

Other receipts from monetary penalties (fines) and other amounts in compensation for damage credited to the budgets of municipal districts

UFK of the RF Ministry of Finance for the Nizhny Novgorod Region
(Financial Department of the Administration of the Pilninsky Municipal District)
TIN 5526010151 R/s 40101810400000010002
GRKTS GU Bank of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod Region.
BIK 042202001 OKATO code 22245551000
KBK 00111690050050000140 KPP 522601001
State duty

Requisites of the administrator of budget revenues of the budgetary system R.F. (EMERCOM of Russia)

Recipient UFK in the Nizhny Novgorod region (OGPN in the district of the Directorate of Internal Affairs of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia in the Nizhny Novgorod region)
TIN of the recipient 5260160421
KPP of the recipient 526001001
Beneficiary's personal account 04321783340
beneficiary's account 40101810400000010002
Beneficiary's bank GRKTS GU Bank of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod
BIK 042202001
Income code *  
OKATO code *  
Payment name penalty for violations of fire safety requirements, resolution of the State Tax Inspectorate No. from "" 20 ____.

* OKATO OKATO is indicated depending on the region in which the order was issued.

* Code before The income code is indicated depending on the fine imposed.

Details to transfer money funds (pledge)

Recipient UFK in the Nizhny Novgorod region (OGPN in the district of Und GU EMERCOM of Russia in the Nizhny Novgorod region)
TIN of the recipient 5260160421
Checkpoint of the recipient 526001001
Beneficiary's personal account 04321783340
beneficiary's/account 40101810400000010002
Beneficiary's bank GRKTS GU Bank of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod
BIK 042202001
Income code *  
OKATO code *  
Payment name Penalty for violations of fire safety requirements, Resolution of the State Tax Code No. from "" 20 ____ g.

* OKATO OKATO is indicated depending on the region in which the order was issued.

* Code before The income code is indicated depending on the fine imposed.

SMS- notices

In accordance with the Instruction on judicial proceedings in the district court, approved by order of the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 29. 04. 2003 No. 36, notification of participants in criminal, civil proceedings, participants in proceedings on cases of administrative offenses about the place, date and time of the court session is carried out by sending summons, telephone messages or telegrams, by facsimile, by means of SMS messages (in if they agree to be notified in this way and when the fact of sending and delivering an SMS notification to the addressee is recorded)

Video conferencing

Reference information

Court address 10. 52.90.50
Time difference with Moscow 0 hours (Moscow time)
Courtroom equipped with a videoconferencing system Courtroom # 1
Telephone/fax numbers of the departmental videoconferencing network

7529099 - fax

7529001 - telephone of the President of the Court

7529002 - telephone

Availability of technical capability of videoconferencing Available
Person responsible for organizing the videoconferencing

Nikitina Olga Vladimirovna

(83192) 5-15-15

Videoconferencing subscribers of the Nizhny Novgorod region

Division Hall No. IP-address
Nizhny Novgorod Regional Court 108 ten. 52.1.98
111 10. 52.160  
113 10. 52.1.108  
117 10. 52.1.102  
209 10. 52.1.106  
210 10. 52.1.52  
219 10. 52.1.50  
232 10. 52.1.104  
5 (Gr. Collegium) 10. 52.1.100  
Avtozavodsky District Court 6 (building 1) 10. 52.48.50
3 (building 2) 10. 52.106.50  
Kanavinsky District Court 1 10. 52.49.52
9 10. 52.49.50  
Leninsky District Court 1 10. 52.50.50
Moskovsky District Court 9 10. 52.51.50
Nizhegorodsky District Court 1 10. 52.52.50
Soviet District Court 1 10. 52.54.50
Sormovskiy District Court 7 10. 52.53.50
Koverninsky District Court 2 10. 52.83.50
Knyagininsky District Court 2 10. 52.84.50
Vachsky District Court 1 10. 52.72.50
Ardatovskiy District Court 1 10. 52.66.50
Vorotynsky District Court 2 10. 52.76.50
Diveevsky District Court 3 10. 52.79.50
Krasnobakovskiy District Court 1 10. 52.81.50
2 10. 52.81.52  
Vetluzhsky District Court 1 10. 52.73.50
Semenovskiy District Court 2 10. 52.94.50
Lyskovsky District Court 1 10. 52.86.50
Volodarsky District Court 2 10. 52.75.50
Lukoyanovskiy District Court 18 10. 52.85.50
Bolsheboldinsky District Court 1 10. 52.67.50
Bolshemurashkinsky District Court 3 10. 52.68.50
Vadsky District Court 1 10. 52.70.50
Voznesensky District Court 1 10. 52.74.50
Buturlinsky District Court 1 10. 52.69.50
Varnavinsky District Court 1 10. 52.71.50
Dalnekonstantinovsky District Court 3 10. 52. 80.50
Krasnooktyabrsky District Court 1 10. 52.82.50
Gaginsky District Court 1 10. 52.78.50
Dzerzhinsky City Court 8 10. 52.62.50
Balakhna City Court 1 10. 52.57.50
Gorodets City Court 1 10. 52.61.50
Kulebak City Court 1 10. 52.64.50
Sarov City Court 209 10. 52.92.50
Bor City Court 4 10. 52.59.50
3 10. 52.59.52  
Vyksa City Court 4 10. 52. 60.50
Kstovo City Court 302 10. 52.63.52
1 10. 52.63.50  
Pavlovsk City Court 2 10. 52.65.50
SIZO-1 (Nizhny Novgorod) 1 10. 52.2.50
2 10. 52. 2. 60  
SIZO-2 (Druzhny settlement) 1 10. 52.450
SIZO-3 (Annenkovsky quarry) 1 10. 52.3.50
IK-1 (Sukhobezvodnoe settlement) 1 10 ... 52.201.50
IK-4 (Burepolom settlement) 1 10 ... 52.204.50
IK-8 (Yuzhny settlement) 1 10 ... 52.208.50
IK-12 (p. Sherstki) 1 10 ... 52.212.50
IK-14 (Sukhobezvodnoe settlement) 1 10 ... 52.213.50
Nizhny Novgorod garrison military court 1 10. 52.108.50
Federal Arbitration Court of the Volgo-Vyatka District 201 172. 30.2.2
211 172. 30.2.11  

HR contacts

Regarding the issues of filling a vacant position of a judge, vacant positions of civil service in the apparatus of the court of the Pilninsky district court, contact the reception office of the court) or by phone (83192) 5-16-62 to the assistant judge Kabaeva Olga Viktorovna


Court consultant Afanasyeva Albina Viktorovna has been appointed responsible for the coverage of the court's activities in the media
tel: 8 (831 92) 5 16 49.