• Country: Russia
  • State: Kirov Region
  • County: Sanchurskij r-n
  • City: pgt Sanchursk
  • Street, House: ul Lenina, dom 1
  • Postcode: 612370
  • Site: http://sanchursky.kir.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (83357) 2-85-78, (83341) 5-51-05
  • Longitude: 47.260807
  • Latitude: 56.943987
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Sanchursky court of the Kirov region (town of Sanchursk)

Address: 612370, Kirov region, town. Sanchursk, st. Lenina, 1

Phone: 8 (83357) 2-85-78, 2-85-74, 2-85-73

Fax: 8 (83357) 2-10- 19

Sanchursky court of the Kirov region (town. Kiknur)

Address: 612300, Kirov region, town. Kiknur, st. Lenin, 38

Phone: 8 (83341) 5-51-01, 5-51-05, 5-51-07

Fax: 8 (83341) 5-51- 02, 5-51-07

Court mode
Monday 7. 48-17. 00
Tuesday 7. 48-17. 00
Wednesday 7. 48-17. 00
Thursday 7. 48-17. 00
Friday 7. 48-16. 00
Lunch break from 12:00 to 13:00
Saturday weekend
Sunday Weekend

Hours of reception
Monday 7. 48-17. 00
Tuesday 7. 48-17. 00
Wednesday 7. 48-17. 00
Thursday 7. 48-17. 00
Friday 7. 48-16. 00
Lunch break from 12:00 to 13:00
Saturday weekend
Sunday Weekend

Contact information

Sanchursky district court of the Kirov region

st. Lenin, 1, smt. Sanchursk, Kirov region, 612370

fax: (83357) 2-10-19

Position Full name Phone
President of the Court NAZAROVA Irina Evgenievna
Assistant to the President of the Court Vera Leonidovna Sheveleva 2- 85-78
Secretary of the court session Zhuravleva Nadezhda Viktorovna 2-85-71
Judge SHVETSOVA Nadezhda Alekseevna 2-85-73
Judge Assistant Olga Sergeevna Kurdyumova
Court clerk Vasilina Petrovna Levashova
Reception of the court
Assistant to the chairman of the court Vera Leonidovna Sheveleva 2-85-78
Senior Specialist of the 1st category Sergeeva Ekaterina Sergeevna
Leading Specialist

2 -85-75


Court clerk Lidia Anatolyevna Sorokina  
Court Administrator Khristolyubov Igor Alexandrovich 2-85-77

Sanchursky District Court of the Kirov Region

st. Lenin, 38, town. Kiknur, Kirov region, 612300

fax: (83341) 5-51-02

Position Name Phone
Assistant to the judge Kulikova Natalia Viktorovna 5-51- 05
Clerk of the court session Romanova Irina Aleksandrovna 5-51-07
Reception of the court
Assistant to the judge Kulikova Natalia Viktorovna 5-51-02
Chief Specialist Syrchina Galina Ivanovna 5-51-01

Composition of the court

List of judges of the Sanchursky District Court of the Kirov Region

Position Surname, name, patronymic Appointed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation;
President of the Court Irina Evgenievna Nazarova Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2020 No. 432
Judge Nadezhda Alekseevna Shvetsova Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 25, 2007 No. 1294
Judge Olga Avenirovna Trushkova Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 19, 2011 No. 649

Video Conferencing

urban-type settlement Sanchursk, st. Lenina, 1
The courtroom is equipped with a videoconferencing system №2
IP address of the videoconferencing suite 10. 43.79.50
Moscow Time
Fax of departmental IP telephony (hall №2) 743-61-99
Responsible persons for videoconferencing Levashova Vasilina Petrovna, Zhuravleva Nadezhda Viktorovna
Phone (83357) 2-85-73, 2-85-71
IP phone 743-79-02
Kiknur village, st. Lenin, 38
The courtroom is equipped with a videoconferencing system №1
IP address of the videoconferencing suite 10. 43.61.50
Moscow Time
Fax of departmental IP telephony (hall №1) 743-61-99
Responsible persons for videoconferencing Romanova Irina Aleksandrovna,
Phone (83341) 5-51-07
IP Phone 743- 61-01

Bank details for payment of state duty

Recipient: UFK for the Kirov region (MRI FTS of the Russian Federation No. 5 for the Kirov region)

Bank: "Branch for the Kirov region of the Volgo-Vyatka main department of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation"

P/S No. 40101810222020011001 ;

BIK 043304001;

TIN 4339001100

KPP 433901001;

KBK 18210803010011000110

OKTMO (town of Sanchursk ) 33716000

OKTMO (town of Kiknur) 33616151

Details of the personal (deposit) account of the Office of the Judicial Department in the Kirov region

Recipient's name: UFK in Kirov region (Office appearance of the Judicial Department in the Kirov region, l/s 05401203220)

TIN 4348033147 KPP 434501001

R/account: 40302810400001000034

Beneficiary's bank: Branch in the Kirov region Volgo -Vyatka Main Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

BIK: 043304001

The purpose of payment contains the necessary information. For example:

"Listing of security in the framework of civil case No. _________ on a statement of claim, etc."


Responsible for personnel issues and anti-corruption - assistant to the chairman of the Sanchursky district court

Vera Sheveleva,

Phone: 8 (83357), 2-85-78

Responsible for updating information on the site

Ekaterina Sergeevna Sergeeva - senior specialist of the 1st category.

Phone: 8 (83357) 2-85-78


Senior specialist 1st category Sanchursky District Court

Sergeeva Ekaterina Sergeevna,

Phone: 8 (83357) 2-85-79