• Country: Russia
  • State: Sakhalin Region
  • County: Okhinskij r-n
  • City: g Okha
  • Street, House: ul Lenina, dom 8
  • Postcode: 694490
  • Site: http://ohinskiy.sah.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (42437) 5-03-89
  • Longitude: 142.950277
  • Latitude: 53.587819
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Court hours


09: 00-18: 00

Public reception work

09: 00-17: 00

Break: 12: 45-14: 00

Day off:

Saturday, Sunday

Phones for inquiries:

8 (42437) 3-51-95 - assistant to the president of the court - Maltsev Alexander Sergeevich,

8 (42437) 5-03-89 - general department,

8 (42437) 5-05-44 - departments for ensuring legal proceedings in criminal and civil cases.

Territorial jurisdiction

g. Okha
p. Eastern
p. Colendo
p. Laguri
p. Ozerny
p. Guerrilla
p. Pioneer
p. Tungor
p. Ehabi
s. Moskalvo
s. Nekrasovka
с. Piltun
p. Rybnovsk
s. Rybnovsk-1
s. Fish
с. Clogs


General Chancellery Kurmanalieva Alexandra Evgenievna 50389
Criminal Chancellery

Larina Valentina Anatolyevna

Vereteshkina Anna Sergeevna

Civil office

Kostromina Tatyana Anatolyevna,

Naumova Alexandra Sergeevna

Information on the procedure for filling vacant civil service positions in the court apparatus can be obtained by calling
Olga Yurievna Vorobyova

Elena Vladimirovna Buneeva


Archive schedule

Senior specialist of the 1st category

Kostromina T.A.

Court clerk

< p> Naumova A.S.

Room 12 05-05-44

Behold clerk of the court

Larina V.A.

Office No. 11 5-05-44

Time of issue of documents from 09:00 to 17:00

Court telephone directory

< tr> < td> Tereshchenko Elena Viktorovna < tr>
F. I.O. Title of position Office phone
Andreeva Tamara Borisovna Chief Justice td> 35195
Olga Petrovna Merkulova Deputy Chairman of the Court 50687
Razyapova Evgenia Mikhailovna Judge 50384
Goncharova Yulia Mikhailovna Judge 50298
Abramova Julia Alexandrovna Judge 50298
Asmadyarova Elena Leonidovna Judge 50048
Shishkin Oleg Vladimirovich Judge 50682
Goroshchenya Tatyana Aleksandrovna Judge 50682
Maltsev Alexander Sergeevich Assistant to the President of the Court no/351 95
Alexander Vyacheslavovich Shalkov Court Administrator 111/50119
Anastasia Yurievna Shcherbakova Assistant referee no/50687
Konstantin Aleksandrovich Kartashov Judge Assistant 112/50384
Olga Vladimirovna Rakhimova Referee assistant 109/50682
Oleg Valentinovich Kardashov Referee assistant 108/500 48
Lyubov Andreevna Politova Judge Assistant 110/50298
Referee assistant no/50687
Marina Vasilievna Zakharova Referee assistant 110/50298
Irina Aleksandrovna Moreva Judge Assistant 109/50682
Buneeva Elena Vladimirovna Specialist 116/503 89
Isaeva Elena Vladimirovna Leading Specialist No/50417
Senior Specialist 2nd Rank & nbsp ;
Yurchenkov Valery Leonidovich Engineer 119/50417
Vereteshkina Anna Sergeevna Court clerk 116/50 389
Larina Valentina Anatolyevna Court Secretary 121/50544
Kostromina Tatyana Anatolyevna Senior Specialist of the 1st category 122/505 44
Kurmanalieva Alexandra Evgenievna Senior Specialist of the 1st category 121/505 44
Olga Yurievna Vorobieva Chief Specialist 116/503 89
Alexandra Sergeevna Naumova Court clerk 110/50298
C/C Secretary 116/50389
Natalya Borisovna Kozik Secretary of the C/C 108/50048
Efimova Daria Valerievna Secretary of the C/C 112/50384
Ovchinnikova Tatyana Alexandrovna Secretary of the C/C 109/50682
Anastasia Mikhailovna Meshkova C/C Secretary 116/50389
Angelina Andreevna Khimakova C/C Secretary 112/50384
Unknown Maria Sergeevna Secretary of the c/n 112/50384

Court Structure

< td colspan = "2">

Chairman of the Okhinsky City Court of the Sakhalin Region

Andreeva Tamara Borisovna

< td> Court apparatus

Deputy Chairman of the Okhinsky City Court of the Sakhalin Region
Olga Petrovna Merkulova

Judge of the Okhinsky City Court of the Sakhalin Region
Shishkin Oleg Vladimirovich

Judge of the Okhinsky City Court of the Sakhalin Region

Goncharova Yulia Mikhailovna

Judge of the Okhinsky City Court of the Sakhalin Region
Razyapova Evgenia Mikhailovna

Judge of the Okhinsky City Court of the Sakhalin Region
Asmadyarova Elena Leonidovna

Judge of the Okhinsky City Court of the Sakhalin Region

Abramova Yulia Alexandrovna

Judge of the Okhinsky City Court Sakhalinsk region

Goroshchenya Tatyana Alexandrovna

Assistant to the chairman of the court

Maltsev Aleksandr Sergeevich

Assistant to the judge >

Kartashov Konstantin Aleksandrovich

Kardashov Oleg Valentinovich

Politova Lyubov Andreevna

Rakhimova Olga Vladimirovna

Zakharova Marina Vasilievna

Irina Alexandrovna Moreva

Anastasia Yuryevna Shcherbakova

Court consultant

Chief specialist

Olga Yuryevna Vorobyova

Leading specialist

Isaeva Elena Vladimirovna

Secretary of the court session

Kozik Natalya Borisovna

Bezizvestnykh Maria Sergeevna

< p> Ovchinnikova Tatyana Aleksandrovna

Efimova Daria Valerievna

Khimakova Angelina Andreevna

Meshkova Anastasia Mikhailovna

Tereschenko Elena Viktorovna

< p> Clerk of the Court

Vereteshkina Anna Sergeevna

Naumova Alexandra Sergeevna

Larina Valentina Anatolyevna

Senior Specialist 1st category

< p> Tatiana Anatolievna Kostromina

< p> Kurmanalieva Alexandra Evgenievna

Senior specialist of the 2nd category

Court specialist

Elena Vladimirovna Buneeva

Court administrator

< p> Alexander Vyacheslavovich Shalkov


Valery Leonidovich Yurchenkov

Composition of the court

Chairperson of the Okhinsky City Court of the Sakhalin Region

Andreeva Tamara Borisovna

Appointed to the position of Chairperson of the Okhinsky City Court by decree President of the Russian Federation No. 255 dated 09. 06. 2017

Deputy Chairman of the Okhinsky City Court of the Sakhalin Region

Olga Petrovna Merkulova

Appointed to the position of Deputy Chairman of the Okhinsky City Court by decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 496 of 14. 10. 2019

Judge of the Okhinsky City Court of the Sakhalin Region

Oleg Vladimirovich Shishkin

Appointed to the position of federal judge of the Okhinsky City Court by decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 243 of 15 . 04. 2014

Judge of the Okhinsky City Court of the Sakhalin Region

Yulia Mikhailovna Goncharova

Appointed to the position of federal judge of the Okhinsky City Court by decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 939 dated 30.06.2012

Judge of the Okhinsky City Court of the Sakhalin Region

Razyapova Evgenia Mikhailovna

Appointed to the position of federal judge of the Okhinsky City Court by decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 618 dated 21.05.2010

Judge of the Okhinsky City Court of the Sakhalin Region

Asmadyarova Elena Leonidovna

Appointed to the position of federal judge of the Okhinsky City Court by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 27.11.2010

Judge of the Okhinsky City Court of the Sakhalin Region

Yulia Aleksandrovna Abramova

Appointed to the position of federal judge of the Okhinsky City Court by decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 345 from 18.07.2019

Judge of the Okhinsky City Court of the Sakhalin Region

Goroshchenya T Tatyana Alexandrovna

Appointed to the position of federal judge of the Okhinsky city court by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 279 dated 04.22.2020

Judicial collegia

< td> Olga Petrovna Merkulova
Specialization of judges in
Criminal cases Administrative cases Civil cases
Shishkin Oleg Vladimirovich Andreeva Tamara Borisovna Razyapova Evgeniya Mikhailovna
Andreeva Tamara Borisovna Shishkin Oleg Vladimirovich Asmadyarova Elena Leonidovna
Yulia Alexandrovna Abramova Yulia Mikhailovna Goncharova
Tatyana Alexandrovna Goroshchenya Goroshchenya Tatiana Aleksandrovna Abramova Yulia Aleksandrovna

Divisions of the Court

Assistant President
Maltsev Alexander Sergeevich

Assistant to the judge

Kardashov Oleg Valentinovich

Politova Lyubov Andreevna

Rakhimova Olga Vladimirovna

Zakharova Marina Vasilievna

Konstantin Aleksandrovich Kartashov

Irina Aleksandrovna Moreva

Anastasia Yurievna Shcherbakova

Court Consultant

Chief Specialist & nbsp ;

Vorobyeva Olga Yurievna

Leading specialist
Isaeva Elena Vladimirovna

Secretary of the court session
Kozik Natalya Borisovna
Ovchinnikova Tatyana Aleksandrovna

Bezizvestnykh Maria Sergeevna

Efimova Daria Valerievna

Meshkova Anastasia Mikhailovna

Khimakova Angelina Andreevna

Tereshchenko Elena Viktorovna

Court clerk

Vereteshkina Anna Sergeevna

Naumova Aleksandra Sergeevna

Larina Valentina Anatolyevna

Senior specialist of the 1st category

Kostromina Tatyana Anatolyevna

Kurmanalieva Alexandra Evgenievna

Senior Specialist, 2nd category

Court Specialist

Bunee VA Elena Vladimirovna

Administrator of the court
Shalkov Alexander Vyacheslavovich


Yurchenkov Valery Leonidovich

Reference information, including walkthrough cases in court can be obtained by phone
General Chancellery Kurmanalieva Alexandra Evgenievna 50389
Civil Chancellery

Kostromina Tatyana Anatolyevna

Naumova Alexandra Sergeevna

Criminal Chancellery

Vereteshkina Anna Sergeevna

Larina Valentina Anatolyevna

Court administrator Shalkov Alexander Vyacheslavovich 50119
Assistant to the chairman Maltsev Alexander Sergeevich 35195

Information for videoconferencing -connection

Cha owl belt:

+8 hours from Moscow

The videoconferencing system is equipped in hall No. 1

IP-address of the Okhinsky City Court:

10. 65.57.50

Availability of technical capability of videoconferencing:

videoconferencing is possible

Videoconferencing schedule:

videoconferencing sessions are request, the possibility of a videoconferencing session is previously agreed with the persons responsible for organizing the videoconferencing

Persons responsible for organizing the videoconferencing:

assistant to the chairman Maltsev Alexander Sergeevich, 8 (42437) 3-51- 95,

in his absence -

assistant judge Shcherbakova Anastasia Yurievna, 8 (42437) 5-06-87

Persons responsible for the technical support of the videoconferencing:

engineer Yurchenkov Valery Leonidovich, 8 (42437) 5-04-17, in his absence - the administrator of the court Shalkov Alexander Vyacheslavovich, 8 (42437) 5-01-19



694490 Sakhalin Region Okha st. Lenin, 8

tel (42437) 5-03-89

Chief specialist of the court

Vorobyeva Olga Yurievna


Assistant to the Chairman of the Okhinsky City Court
Alexander Sergeevich Maltsev

(responsible for the court's interaction with the media and posting information on the court's website)

Tel 8 (42437) 3-51-95

Fax: 8 (42437) 5-03-89