• Country: Russia
  • State: Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
  • County: Mirninskij u
  • City: g Mirnyj
  • Street, House: ul Tikhonova, dom 29
  • Postcode: 678170
  • Site: http://mirny.jak.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (41136) 4-68-27, (41168) 2-13-46, (41169) 2-13-09
  • Longitude: 113.989733
  • Latitude: 62.544006

Territorial jurisdiction

Settlement Address
1. Mirny district of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) all settlements of the region
g. Mirny, Udachny, p. Aikhal, p. Chernyshevsky, p. Svetly, p. Arylakh, p. Dawn, with. Taas-Yuryakh, s. Suldyukar, p. Markoka, p. Olguydah, p. Dorozhny, p. Almazny, p. Polyarny, p. Novy
2. Oleneksky Evenki National District of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) all settlements of the region
with. Olenek, s. Eyik, s. Zhilinda, p. Harjalah
3. Anabar district of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) all settlements of the region
with. Saskylakh, p. Yuryung-Khaya

Opening hours of the court

< tr>

Operating hours: from 09:00 to 18:00

Lunch break: from 13:00 to 14:00

Saturday, Sunday Reception no

Reception of citizens

Reception of citizens by the chairman of the court 16 cab. 2nd floor

Tuesday 17:00 to 18:00

Friday from 12:00 to 13:00

Cabinet of specialists 2 floor 18 cab. Daily from 09:00 to 18:00
Archive 2 floor 20 office.

Monday - Thursday

from 09:00 to 18:00

Friday from 09:00 to 12:30

Issue of documents (20 cab., 18 cab.)
Claims are received by assistant judges

Reception of citizens is carried out during working hours.

Citizens are allowed into the courthouse only during working hours and upon presentation of identity documents, and on the subpoena.

Information about the leadership of the court

Deputy chairman of the court

Acting chairman of the Mirny district court of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Alekseev Aleksandr Nikolaevich

Composition of the Mirny District Court

Deputy Chairman of the Court
Alekseev Aleksandr Nikolaevich
by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 04. 11. 2019. No. 540


No. 16

tel. assistant judge


Sortoev Ivan Alekseevich by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 09.11.2010 No. 1401

Cab. №16

tel. assistant judge


Judge Voronov Sergey Anatolyevich By decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 09.08.2010 No. 99


No. 22

tel. assistant judge


Judge & nbsp ;


No. 15

tel. assistant judge


Judge Ivanova Svetlana Anatolyevna By presidential decree of 12. 12. 2008. No. 1761


No. 22

tel. assistant judge


Ivanova Sayana Zhorzhievna by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 19. 05. 2011 No. 649


No. 6

tel. assistant judge


judge Petrov Aleksey Arkadievich
by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from 15. 04. 19g. No. 171


No. 6

tel. assistant judge


Judge Grigoryeva Sardana Anatolyevna
by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 23. 05. 2013 No. 509


No. 7

tel. assistant judge


Judge Kosygina Lyubov Olegovna
by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 03. 04. 2018 No. 138


No. 15

tel. assistant judge




No. 12

tel. assistant judge


Judge Nikolaeva Vera Vasilievna By presidential decree of 28.06.2016 No. 792


No. 10

tel. assistant judge




tel. assistant judge



g. Successful

tel. assistant judge



g. Successful

Gusikhina Zulfiya Halimovna by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 21. 04. 2009 No. 433

tel. assistant judge




Konstantinova Daria Egorovna by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from 14. 01. 2009 No. 55

tel. assistant judge




tel. assistant judge



p. Olenek

Semenov Spartak Alekseevich Ukaz of the President of the Russian Federation dated 10.01.2012 N 53 < p> tel. assistant judge

8 (41169) 2-11-67

Judge s. Saskylakh Tuprina Marina Egorovna Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 28. 10. 2013 No. 805

tel. assistant judge

8 (41168) 2-10-97

Apparatus of the Mirny District Court

Mirny District Court of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the city of Mirny

678170, the city of Mirny, ul. Tikhonova, 29, tel/fax 3-24-39

< td> 4-22-51 < tr> < tr>
Position Name Cabinet Phone
Administrator of the court Minkova Elena Olegovna 5 3-01-12
Court Office
Advisor to the court Nechaeva Alena Vladimirovna 17 3-01-98
Natalya Zueva 18 4-68-27
Chief Specialist 18 4-68-27
Nechaev Maxim Alexandrovich 19 4-22-62
Bogidaev Konstantin Igorevich
16a 4-22-51
Court clerks Aleksandra Mikhailova 18 4-68-27
Anastasia Mikhailova 18 4-68-27
Leading Specialist Danilova Akulina Petro vna 18 4-68-27
Torgaeva Aiman ​​Tleubekovna 18 4-68-27 
   & nbsp ;
Assistant to the President of the Court Ivanov Dmitry Yuryevich 16a
Assistant judges Chernevich Nadezhda Valerievna 22 4- 53-50
Yakimova Olga Stanislavovna 6 4-22-52
Natalia Moskvitina 22 4-22-64
Babushkina Irina Borisovna 16 4-62-62
Stepanova Maria Grigoryevna 14 4-20-38
Sergey V. Baishev 6 4-25-79
Karpova Evgenia Viktorovna 104-25-79 
Danilyuk Lyubov Nikolaevna 124-20-38 
Rogova Julia Gennadyevna 16 4-62-62
Narozhnaya Marina Filaredovna 104-25-79 
Court clerks Tykheev Efim Eduardovich 16 4-62-62
Chistyakova Victoria Maximovna 16 4-62-62
Samsonova Angelina Vladimirovna 22 4-53-50
14 4 -63-37
Debenova Anastasia Sergeevna 6 4-22-52  
Makarova Lyubov Ivanovna 6 4-22-52  
Tikhonova Tuyara Sergeevna 10 4-25-79 & nbsp ;
Balaeva Tatyana Nikolaevna 10 4-25-79
Olga Kudrinskaya 14 4-20-38
& nbs p;
Stepanova Alexandra Sofronovna 22 4-22-64
Senior specialists of the 1st category 20 4-23-45
Korotkikh Elena Vyacheslavovna 20 4-23-45
Nechaeva Viorika Vladimirovna 18 4-68-27
Stepanova Mira Egorovna 18 4-68-27

Permanent judicial presence of the Mirny District Court of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in Udachny

678188 Udachny, New Town, 27 tel/fax 5-14-98

< figure class = "table"> < td> Ratieva Oksana Gennadevna < td> < tr>
Position Name Serv. tel.
assistant judge Olga Konkova 5-19-13
Secretary of the s/s Elena Mironova 5-11-63
Lonely Ainagul Bakhitkeldyevna 5-11-63
Consultant Bryanskaya Alina Marselevna 5-14-98
Senior Specialist 1st category Gorbik Irina Anatolyevna 5-14-98

The permanent judicial presence of the Mirny District Court of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in Aikhal

678190 p. Aikhal, st. Youth, 2 "A" tel/fax 6-29-16

Position Name Serv. tel.
assistant judge 6-29-16
assistant judge Ermolaeva Praskovya Stepanovna 6-08-63
c/s secretary 6-29-16
Secretary of the Department Anisimova Natalia Vitalievna
Ch. Specialist Romanova Anna Fedoseevna
Senior Specialist, 1st category Daybannirova Evgenia Anatolyevna 6-29-16

Permanent judicial presence of the Mirny District Court of the Republic of Sakha ( Yakutia) in Chernyshevsky settlement

678185 Chernyshevsky settlement, st. Cosmonauts, 24 tel/fax 7-31-24

< td> secretary of the field
Position Name Serv. tel.
assistant judge Yermolaeva Svetlana Viktorovna 7-31-24
Sukhova Ekaterina Viktorovna 7-31-24
Senior Specialist, 1st category Chistyakova Viktoria Maksimovna

The permanent judicial presence of Mirninsky District court of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in with. Olenek

678480 Olenek district, s. Olenek, st. Boyeskorova, 7, tel: 8 (41169) 2-13-09, fax: 8 (41169) 2-15-35

< td> secretary s/s
Position < Full Name < Serv. tel.
assistant to the judge Torgovkina Elena Vasilievna 2-13-09
Samsonova Praskovya Mikhailovna 2-13-09
Ch. Specialist Gogoleva Akulina Petrovna 2-13-09

The permanent judicial presence of Mirninsky District court of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in with. Saskylakh

678440, Anabar district, s. Saskylakh, st. Oktyabrskaya, 13, tel/fax (41168) 2-13-46 ()

< td> secretary s/s
Position Name Serv. tel.
assistant judge Porokhonko Liliya Vladimirovna 2-13-46
Ivanova Alexandra Egorovna 2-13-46
Ch. Specialist Sakhataeva Maria Fedorovna 2-13-46

< strong> Telephones for inquiries

Mirny District Court of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Mirny

< td> Reception 16 cab.
Specialists office 2 floor 18 room. 4-68-27

Permanent judicial presence of the Mirny District Court of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), in Successful

< td> Consultant
Reception 5-11-63

Permanent judicial presence of the Mirny District Court of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), in Aikhal village

Reception 6-29-16

Permanent judicial presence of the Mirny District Court of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), in the village of Chernyshevsky

Reception 7-31-24

Permanent judicial presence of the Mirny District Court of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia ), in sec. Olenek, Olenek district

Reception 8 (41169) 2-13-09

The permanent judicial presence of the Mirny District Court of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), in s. Saskylakh, Anabar district

Reception 8 (41168) 2-14-24

Video conferencing

< tr>
Address Time difference with Moscow Hall number tel. No. (fax) videoconferencing

Availability of videoconferencing


Contact details of the person responsible for the videoconferencing
full name Tel.
678170 Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Mirny, st. Tikhonova, d. 29 MSC +6

Court. Hall No. 1 IP 10. 14. 63. 50

The court. Hall No. 3 IP 10. 14. 63. 52

7146301 (reception)

7146302 (courtroom)

7146399 (fax, courtroom)


Bogidaev Konstantin Igorevich

Maxim Nechaev

8 (41136) 4-22-51

8 (41136) 4-22-62

678188, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Udachny, New City, 9 - 124 MSC +6 IP 10. 14. 87. 50

7148702 (courtroom)

7148799 (fax, courtroom)

there is
Bryanskaya Alina Marselevna 8 (41136) 5-14-98
678190, Republic of Sakha, Aikhal st. Youth, 2 "A" MSC +6 IP 10. 14. 86. 50

7148602 (court. Hall)

7148699 (fax, court. Hall)

is Romanova Anna Fedoseevna 8 (41136) 6-29-16
678185, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) p. Chernyshevsky, st. Cosmonauts, d. 24 MSC +6 IP 10. 14. 88. 50

7148802 (courtroom) )

7148899 (fax, court. Hall)

is Sukhova Ekaterina Viktorovna 8 (41136) 7 -31-24
678480, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) p. Olenek, st. 7 Boeskorova MSC +6 IP 10. 14. 71. 50

7147102 (courtroom) )

7147199 (fax, court. room)

is Skorokhodkin Dmitry Dmitrievich 8 (41169) 2 -13-09
678440, Republic of Sakha p. Saskylakh, st. Oktyabrskaya, d. 13 MSC +6 IP 10. 14. 52. 50

7145202 (courtroom) )

7145299 (fax, court. room)

is Sakhataeva Maria Fedorovna 8 (41168) 2 -13-46

When agreeing on the date and time of the meeting using the videoconferencing system, please note that the rooms equipped with the videoconferencing system cannot be used Mondays from 9:00 to 12:00 local time.


For staffing issues, contact court consultant Nechaeva Alena Vladimirovna

by phone at 8 (41136) 3-01-98


Responsible for media relations in the Mirny District Court of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

< p> Court consultant Nechaeva Alena Vladimirovna

Cont. tel: 3-01-98

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