• Country: Russia
  • State: Magadan Region
  • County: Severo-E`venskij r-n
  • City: pgt E`vensk
  • Street, House: ul Pobeda, dom 19
  • Postcode: 686430
  • Site: http://severoevensky.mag.sudrf.ru/
  • Phone: (413-48) 2-21-42
  • Longitude: 159.228845
  • Latitude: 61.916871
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Court hours

Monday 8:30 - 17:30

Tuesday 8:30 - 17:30

Wednesday 8:30 - 17:30

Thursday 8:30 - 17:30

Friday 8:30 - 16:00

lunch break 12:30 - 14:00

Saturday Sunday is a day off

Opening hours of the reception court

Monday 8:30 - 17:30

lunch break

12:30 - 14:00

Tuesday 8:30 - 17:30
Wednesday 8:30 - 17:30
Thursday 8:30 - 17:30
Friday 8:30 - 16:00
Saturday day off  

Reception phone number, court registry: 8- (413-48) -22-142

Territorial jurisdiction

The name of the judicial district to whose territory the jurisdiction of the North Even District Court extends

North Even City District of Magadan Region

The administrative center is the village. Evensk

Composition of the court

The composition of the court is two-part.

1. The chairman of the court - the position is vacant.

2. Judge - Leontyeva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna

Structural divisions of the court

1. Administrator of the court - phone (8-413-48) 22-2-43

Irina Kazbekovna Beznutrova

2. Court staff:

Court clerk, reception - phone (8-413-48) 2-21-42

Leading specialist - Irina Ramazanovna Kerimova

Senior Specialist, 1st rank - Novikova Olga Valentinovna

1st category specialist - Honkan Matvey Eduardovich

3. Assistant to the President of the Court - telephone (fax) (8-413-48) 2-24-56

4. Assistant Judge - Telephone (fax) (8-413-48) 2-24-56

Velieva Leyla Yasharovna

5. Court clerks - phone (8-413-48) 2-24-53

Natalia Osokina

Julia Bekrenyova

6. Watch - contact phone (8-413-48) 2-22-38

Court website editors.

The responsible executor for the technical and graphic content of the court’s website is the assistant to the judge Velieva Leyla Yasharovna, contact phone number is 8 (413-48) 22-456.

Reference data on video conferencing

Severo-Evensky District Court of the Magadan Region is equipped with a set of software and hardware that allows you to realize the opportunity to participate in the judicial meeting through a video conferencing system (VKS).

VKS sessions are held daily during business hours upon prior request in accordance with the Rules of the organization for the use of videoconferencing in federal courts of general jurisdiction, approved by order of the Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 28. 12. 2015 No. 401.

Information for the organization of video conferencing (VKS)

Court address: 686430 p. Evensk, st. Pobedy, d. 19

Time difference with Moscow +8 hours

The videoconferencing system is equipped with the courtroom № 1

IP address of the videoconferencing kit: 10. 49. 51. 50

Telephone number (fax) of the departmental network of the videoconferencing: 7495199

Technical capabilities of the videoconferencing are available

Persons responsible for organizing the videoconferencing:

assistant judge Velieva Leyla Yasharovna 8 (413 48) 22456

court clerk Osokina Natalya Nikolaevna 8 (413 48) 22453

The persons in charge Media Relations:


(41348) 22456