• Country: Russia
  • State: Amur Region
  • County: Ivanovskij r-n
  • City: s Ivanovka
  • Street, House: ul Lenina, dom 150
  • Postcode: 676930
  • Site: http://ivanovskiy.amr.sudrf.ru/
  • Phone: (41649) 5-13-47
  • Longitude: 127.999912
  • Latitude: 50.364673
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction

No. p/p Full name of the district court Postal address of the court F. I.O. of the chairman of the court Telephone of the reception court Territorial jurisdiction (name of the district, settlement)
1 Ivanovo District Court 676930, Amur Region, Ivanovo District, s. Ivanovka, st. Lenin. 150 Bondarenko Vladimir Viktorovich (41649) 51-3-47 Ivanovsky district, s. Ivanovka
2 Ivanovo District Court № 1 676930, Amur Region, Ivanovo District, with. Ivanovka, st. Lenina, d. 91 Tyumentseva Olga Borisovna (41649) 51-2-53 p. Ivanovka s. Epiphany with. Upgrade with. Ascension with. Meadow s. Dmitrievka s. Cheremkhovo s. Bogorodskoe s. Bolsheozerka s. Cherry s. Announcement with. Nekrasovka s. Garden with. East-East with. Andreevka s. Theologian p. Yerkivtsi s. Cherkasovka
3 Ivanovo District Court № 2 676930, Amur Region, Ivanovo District, with. Ivanovka, st. Lenina, d. 91 Degodyev Yaroslav Aleksandrovich (41649) 51-5-07 p. Birch, s. Mid-white, s. Medium White, Medium White-2, s. Nikolaevka, s. Novoalekseevka, with. Solar, s. Semiozerka, s. Priozernoe, s. Trinity, s. Petropavlovka, p. Konstantinogradovka, with. Rocket, s. Nadezhda, s. Field, s. Novokokrovka

Court working hours      
Monday - Friday 8. 00 - 17. 00    
Lunch break 12. 00 - 13. 00    
Reception of citizens      
President of the Court Daily 8. 00 - 9. 00 cabinet 11
Deputy Chairman of the Court Thursday 14. 00 - 16. 00 cabinet 3a
Acceptance of claims by assistant judges Daily 08 . 00 - 17. 00 t. (841649) 51231

Reception in civil and criminal matters at the court registry:

Chief Specialist of the Ivanovo District Court

Akimova Svetlana Leonidovna

Reception: daily from 08. 00 to 17. 00, room. No. 2

Composition of the court


Vladimir Bondarenko (Decree of the President No. 805 of 28. 10. 2013 d.)
cab. 11, tel. : 8 (41649) 51-1-31
Assistant to the President of the Court
Sorokina Elena Viktorovna - Reception room
Registrar of the court
Chupik Olga Nikolaevna
Reception room
Fax: 8 (41649 ) 51-3-47


Serga Yuri Mikhailovich (Ukaz of the President of the Russian Federation of 25. 10. 2014 No. 681)
office. 3a, tel. : 8 (41649) 51-3-55
The assistant to the judge
Mashonkina Natalya Evgenievna
room. 3a - The court clerk
Tomilina Svetlana Vladimirovna
room. 3a


Viktoria Konfederatova (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 149 dated 10. 08. 2012)
office. 3b, tel. : 8 (41649) 51-3-77
Assistant judge
Tenkova Tatyana Ivanovna - Registrar of the court hearing Martel Oksana Borisovna, room. 3b


Pashchenko Nikolai Alekseevich (Ukaz of the President of the Russian Federation of 24. 10. 2003 N 1251)
room. 13, tel. : 8 (41649) 51-4-63
Assistant Judge
Yakunina Marina Vladimirovna
room. 5
Secretary of the court hearing
Karlovskaya Elena Leonidovna
room. 6


Skoblikova Natalya Gennadyevna (Ukaz of the President of the Russian Federation dated 01. 12. 2008 No. 1677)
office. 3, tel. : 8 (41649) 51-6-61
Assistant judge
Adamchuk Alexander Anatolyevich
Assistant judge
Khmeleva Tatyana Aleksandrovna - Registrar of the court session
Kholodkova Svetlana Gennadevna (is on maternity leave) for a child up to 1, 5 years)
cab. 7


Bazhenova Evgenia Vladimirovna (Ukaz of the President of the Russian Federation of 27. 08. 2007 N 1116)
room. 15, tel. : 8 (41649) 51-2-88
Assistant to the judge
Sidelnikova Elena Vladimirovna
room. 1
Secretary of the court hearing
Ermokhina Liliya Nikolaevna | 1


Plotnikov Roman Nikolaevich (Decree of the President No. 805 of 28/10/2013)
office. 15, tel. : 8 (41649) 51-2-88 - Assistant judge
Lyapina Vera Viktorovna (on maternity leave for children under 1.5 years old)
Assistant judge
Chepkova Galina Anatolyevna
Secretary court hearing - Kolesnikova Tatyana Yuryevna - Secretary of the court hearing
Obushnaya Oksana Sergeevna
room. 5



Chief Specialist

Akimova Svetlana Leonidovna

cab 2 tel. : 8 (41649) 51-7-01

Registrars of the court

Peregoheva Natalya Vladimirovna

Belousova Tatyana Vladimirovna

room. 2 tel. : 8 (41649) 51-7-01

Administrator of the court

Bakumenko Larisa Vladislavovna

room. 4 tel. : 8 (41649) 51-2-31


Category 1 specialist

Sysoeva Tatyana Viktorovna

room 9 tel. : 8 (41649) 51-2-31

Senior specialist of the 3rd category

Soboleva Elena Vladimirovna

6 tel. : 8 (41649) 51-2-31

Reference information

Telephone of the chief specialist of the court:

Svetlana Akimova Leonidovna

8 (41649) 51-7-01

Telephone of the Secretary of the Criminal Court:

Tatyana Belousova

8 ( 41649) 51-7-01

Telephone of the Secretary of the Civil Court:

Peregoheva Natalya Vladimirovna

8 (41649) 51-2-31

Video conferencing

VKS information

Time difference between s. Ivanovka, Ivanovo district, Amur region and Moscow: MSC +6 hours.

Telephone (fax) numbers of the departmental VKS network:

Courtroom No. 1

IP address 10. 28. 56. 50

VoIP -Telephone 7285602 - clerk in the courtroom

VoIPAudiocodesMediaPack112 10. 28. 56. 51

Fax VoIP -Telephone: 7285699 - clerk in the courtroom

< p> Availability of technical capabilities of videoconferencing: available.

VKS schedule (established by order of the chairman of the Ivanovo District Court of the Amur Region dated 30. 08. 2017 No. 142 in accordance with paragraph 3. 1 of the Rules for the Organization of the Use of Video Conferencing in Federal Courts of General Jurisdiction, approved by order of the Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 28. 12. 2015 No. 401): on working days from 13:00 to 17:00 local time.

If necessary, the organization of the videoconferencing at other times - as directed by the chairman of the court.

There is no organizational possibility of holding court hearings using the videoconferencing in other courtrooms.

Contact details of the persons responsible for the organization of the videoconferencing:

Secretary of the court session of the Ivanovo district court - Natalia Mashonkina (41649) 51-2-31

Contact details persons responsible for the technical support of the videoconferencing:

The administrator of the Ivanovo District Court - Bakumenko Larisa Vladislavovna (41649) 51-2-31

Periods of accessibility (inaccessibility) of the courtroom:

Every Wednesday of the month from 08-00 to 17-00 local time, in the Ivanovo District Court of the Amur Region, court hearings are held in the VKS mode with PKU IK-3 Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Amur region and PKU KP-4 Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Amur region. There is no organizational possibility of holding court hearings using the videoconferencing system in other courtrooms.


Chairman of the Editorial Board of the Ivanovo District Court:

Victoria Gennadyevna Confederatova - judge of the Ivanovo District Court - 8 (41649) 51377