• Country: Russia
  • State: Irkutsk Region
  • County: Osinskij r-n
  • City: s Osa
  • Street, House: ul Sverdlova, dom 61
  • Postcode: 669200
  • Site: http://osinsky.uso.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (39539)3-14-75
  • Fax: (39539)3-14-75
  • Longitude: 103.877784
  • Latitude: 53.390321
Leaflet Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox

Territorial jurisdiction of the Osinsky district court
Osinsky district of the Irkutsk region: rural settlements of Bilchir (Bilchir village, Zhdanovo village, Kutanka village), Buryat- Yanguty (the village of Yenisei, the villages of Mogolyut, Ongosor, Shotoy), Irkhidey (the village of Irhidey), Kakha-Ongoyskoye (the village of Khokta, the villages of Molta, Ongoy, the village of Severny, the village of Tabatay), Maisk (the village of Maysk, the village of Abramovka), Novo-Lenino (the village of Novo-Lenino, the village of Khaiga), Obusa (the village of Obusa, the villages of Borokhal, Gorkhon), Osa (the village of Osa, the villages of Zaglik, Luzgina, Malakhanova, Moroza, Kharay), Primorsky Settlement (Primorsky village), Russian Yanguts (Russian villages Yanguty, Gryaznushka, Markovka, Prokhorovka, Chuprovka), Uleyskoye (Ungin village, Batkhay, Tagay villages), Ust-Altan (Ust-Altan village, Rassvet village).

Court opening hours
Monday-Thursday: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. 13-45
Saturday, Sunday - day off

Court reception
Reception of applications, complaints, statements of claim from citizens, their representatives, as well as representatives of legal entities is carried out daily during all working hours in office No. 1 on a first-come, first-served basis; Pre-registration is not accepted.
For invalids and veterans of the Great Patriotic War admission out of turn.
Reception phone number (839539) 31-1-75

Schedule of reception of citizens by the chairman of the Osinsky district court of the Irkutsk region
Zhanna Rafailovna Silyavo
Monday from 11:00 to 13:00
Tuesday from 9:00 to 11: 00 hours
Reception is conducted by appointment, made by the assistant to the chairman of the court Zinaida Petrova Petrova
Telephone of the reception of the chairman of the court (39539) 32-3-07

Schedule of reception by judges and assistant judges
Personal reception of citizens by a judge is carried out by appointment, made by assistant judge Ivanova Lyudmila Mikhailovna according to the following schedule:
Wednesday from 9.00 am. until 11.00 a.m. ; Thursday from 9.00 a.m. until 11.00 a.m.
Reception of citizens by assistant judge Ivanova Lyudmila Mikhailovna is carried out according to the following schedule:
2nd floor, office No. 12
Reception time: Thursday and Friday from 9.30 to 17.00
Tel. (39539) 314-75

Composition of the court

Position Name Contact phone
Chairman Zhanna Rafailovna Silyavo 8(39539) 32-3-07
Assistant of the Chairman Petrova Zinaida Petrovna 8(39539) 32-3-07
Judge Silyavo Zhanna Rafailovna 8(39539) 32-1-19
Assistant judge Lyudmila Mikhailovna Ivanova 8(39539) 31-4-75
Court administrator Alexandra Gavrilovna Baldunova 8(39539) 31-4-97
Chief Specialist Sirina Yulia Vladimirovna 8(39539) 31-4-75
Court Secretary Khulukshanova Olga Petrovna 8(39539) 31-1-75
Leading Specialist Natalia Ryutina 8(39539) 31-4-75
Secretary of the court session Maria Sergeevna Taranyuk 8(39539) 31-4-75
Secretary th court session Tyshkeev Sergey Yuryevich 8(39539) 31-4-75
Art. 1st category specialist Elena Dolgopolova 8(39539) 31-4-75

Person responsible for interaction with the media - assistant to the chairman of the court Kalashnikova Svetlana Alexandrovna, contact phone 8 (39539) 32-3-07, fax 8 (39539) 31- 1-75.
Reception schedule: from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekdays.

The procedure for familiarizing participants in legal proceedings with the materials of their cases (civil, criminal cases and cases of administrative offenses)
Persons participating in the case have the right to get acquainted with the materials of the case. Familiarization of the persons participating in the case with the materials of the case is carried out upon their written application (petition).

Location Reading time Reception officials
Cab. № 1 Monday - Friday from 9-00 to 17-00,
on holidays from 9-00 to 16-00,
break for lunch from 13-00 to 14-00 .
Chief specialist Alexandra Gavrilovna Shadanova
Yanna Maratovna Ikaeva
Tel. /fax (39539)31-4-75

Requisites for paying the state fee

Name of the payee UFC in the Irkutsk region (MIFTS of Russia No. 16 in the Irkutsk region, l/s 04341386340
Checkpoint 384901001
TIN of the tax authority and its name 3808185774
Payee's account number 40101810250048010001
Name of the bank GRKTs of the Main Directorate of the Bank of Russia for the Irkutsk region
BIC 042520001
Budget classification code (BCC) 18210803010011000110
Name of payment State duty on claims applications and complaints filed with courts of general jurisdiction/state duty for issuing a duplicate of a writ of execution/obtaining copies of documents td>

OKTMO settlements of Osinsky district

Maisk MO 25631424
Irchidey MO 25631417
Bilchir Municipality 25631404
Primorsky Municipality 25631429
MO "Obusa" 25631426
MO " Novo-Lenino” 25631425
Uleyskoye Municipality 25631440
MO "Ust-Altan" 25631445
MO "Buryat-Yanguty" 25631407
Russian-Yangut Municipality 25631433
Kakha-Ongoiskoye Municipality 25631422
MO "Osa" 25631427

Name of payment: Monetary penalties (fines) and other amounts collected from persons guilty of crimes and compensation for damage to property credited to the budget of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
UFK for the Irkutsk Region (Department of the Federal bailiff service in the Irkutsk region)
TIN 3811085917
KPP 381101001
l/s 04341785320
Bank account 40101810250048010001
Bank BIC 042520001

Mandatory conditions for notification via SMS
Through SMS messages, participants in legal proceedings can be notified of the place, date and time of the court session or the performance of certain procedural actions within the framework of civil, criminal and administrative litigation.
Notification of participants in legal proceedings via SMS messages is allowed only if the following two conditions are met:
- consent of the participant in legal proceedings to notify him via SMS messages;
- fixing the fact of sending and delivering an SMS notification to a participant in legal proceedings.
SMS notifications are sent to the participants in the proceedings so that these persons have sufficient time to prepare for the case and appear in court on time.
SMS notification is carried out only with the consent of the participant in the proceedings, that is, on a voluntary basis.
The fact of consent to receive an SMS notification is confirmed by a receipt, in which, along with the data on the participant in the proceedings and his consent to notification in this way, the mobile phone number to which it is sent is indicated.
Receipt of consent to notification via SMS with a mobile phone number is selected when submitting a relevant application to the court, at the first appearance in a court session, when preparing a case for a court session, etc.
A receipt confirming the fact of consent of a participant in legal proceedings to be notified of the place, date and time of the court session via SMS messages, is attached by the court and filed in the court file by the appropriate employee of the court apparatus.
The court without fail ensures the fixation of the facts of sending and delivery to the addressee of an SMS message with notification of the place, date and time of the court session.
The fact of sending and delivery of an SMS notification is confirmed by the details of the SMS notification (information about the date and time of sending the SMS message, the text of the sent SMS message, the date and time of delivery of the SMS message to the participant in the proceedings), which is printed on paper and attached to the case file.
SMS-message is not sent if the participant of legal proceedings needs to send documents or materials. In this case, notification or summons to court takes place in the usual manner by sending a court summons along with a set of documents by registered mail.
If the SMS notification was not delivered to the subscriber after two attempts to send it again, then the notification or summons to the court to the participant in the court sessions is sent by a court summons with a notification of delivery.

The prosecutor's office as a body for the protection of the constitutional rights of citizens.
A prosecutor's application to the court is one of the most effective forms of prosecutorial response when violations are detected and is used along with other measures of prosecutorial influence (protest, presentation, warning). In view of the foregoing, article 45 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation grants the prosecutor the right to present applications to the courts of general jurisdiction in defense of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens. The legislator, Federal Law No. 43-FZ dated 05.04.2009 "On Amending Articles 45 and 131 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation" granted the prosecutor additional powers to present statements to the court in defense of violated or contested social rights, freedoms and legal the interests of citizens in the field of labor (service) relations and other directly related relations; protection of the family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood; social protection, including social security; ensuring the right to housing in state and municipal housing stocks; health care, including medical care; ensuring the right to a healthy environment; education. At the same time, the prosecutor's office focuses special attention on protecting the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of socially unprotected segments of the population (disabled people, pensioners, low-income people, large families, minors, etc.), bearing in mind that these persons, for objective reasons, cannot apply on their own to court for the protection of violated rights.
The basis for submitting an application to the court is a citizen's appeal to the prosecutor for the protection of violated rights or contested social rights, freedoms and legitimate interests. The appeal must be in writing. If it is impossible for a citizen to issue an application, his will is recorded by the prosecutor in writing. It should also be noted that in the case when, for objective reasons, a citizen cannot provide evidence confirming the violation of his rights and legitimate interests, the prosecutor takes exhaustive measures to collect the necessary evidence.
Drawing up and submitting an application to the court in defense of a citizen also implies his further support of prosecutors during the trial, responding to errors made by the court, making appeal, cassation and supervisory submissions.
An appeal for the protection of violated rights can be submitted to the prosecutor both personally and by mail if the citizen is unable to independently appear before the prosecutor.